Death is Right, Inheritance is Halal

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2 years ago

If I can write and publish this article and you can read it too, it is proof that we are somehow alive somewhere. What about after?

None of us can be sure about the future because it points to the future, that is, to the unknown.

One day, our personal accounts with our usernames will never be opened. We may be doing this for different reasons, we may be bored with writing or have received more attractive offers, or we may have exempted ourselves from some of our accounts to create time because we are not good at time management.

If that's the case, there's no problem. Everyone has the freedom to live where they want and how they want and to use what they want or not.

Well, what if the reason is that the time has come to take back the life entrusted to us by Allah. Did you prepare for such a situation?

Do you have any preparations for the future regarding the control and usability of the cryptocurrencies you own?

Not only in cryptocurrencies, will the control of your account, which has come to a very good place such as Hive - Blurt - Read, be transferred to someone after you? Are you prepared for this?

The obscurity and the reality we don't want will visit us sooner or later and say it's our turn. When this happens, will we behave selfishly and prefer that the power I left behind is not used by our relatives?

The assets we keep in online wallets will not call our family members after death and say, "I inherited it from you". Unfortunately, crypto doesn't have that power yet. This preparation is completely under our control and at our discretion.

Which would you like? Having a loved one take over the flag you left with your cryptos after you die? Or that your cryptos die with you? Who knows, maybe the person we inherited will enjoy spending every bit of it instead of owning the cryptos we have accumulated without spending it.

I think I died right after writing and publishing this article and I know all my crypto will be garbage. None of my siblings are interested in crypto, my parents aren't even interested in the internet. It's just that my little niece always wants to deal with this subject, but I push her back so her studies don't get interrupted.

I will not allow my cryptos and accounts that have reached a certain value to be garbage, which I have saved by spending effort, wasting my time, watching until tears fall from my eyes, sacrificing my sleep when appropriate.

From this moment on, I will educate someone I see as my heir on these issues and keep a note of my necessary accounts, wallets and passwords for him.

I will ban the brothers who are not interested from such an opportunity!

The valuables treasure hunters sought/found once belonged to someone. Perhaps because they never told anyone their whereabouts, the treasures buried after them could not be used by others, and they waited in the heaps of earth for centuries.

It is certain that if a similar situation is not shared, it can happen to cryptocurrencies, and treasures buried in the ground in the past will be replaced by cryptos buried in today's wallets.

In the future, perhaps treasure hunters will switch industries and instead of searching for treasures in the land, they will piracy online. We know of scammers who do this and steal the cryptos from the accounts they hack, they are not treasure hunters.

Searching for the lost and stealing from the owner are two different things. These are the jokes of the matter, I hope there will be no such losses, but it is certain that they will if no precautions are taken.

Perhaps there are already lost cryptos and wallets that will never be opened again!

$ 7.78
$ 7.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
+ 12
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2 years ago


I was also thinking about this issue a few weeks back, even though currently I don't have much to worry about 😅 but yet it is a serious issue that must not be overlooked

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are indeed such account and wallets with massive crypto holdings that can never be accessed anymore because the owners have longed passed. This is indeed a good line of thought for any crypto trader or holder

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have listed my seed phrases and bch addresses already and gave them to my sister, in case 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a good precaution. This is a good precaution.😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right that everyone should plan for how their property, not at least digital property as crypto and various accounts, should be handled after their death. I have also addressed this problem, in

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have never thought about this but there is logic and truth in everything you have written. Who knows how many crypto assets failed after someone's death because inheritance is not regulated. We need to instruct a trusted person in everything, because we never know when our last day on earth is.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone should have something to say about it, and it is a delicate matter where reliability is essential.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also do imagine about that because I saw a news before that there a lot of accounts that holds crypto being not access by anyone for years. I thought maybe the original owners of those wallet died or something happened to them then their crypto became unmoved from their wallet because there family doesn't even know about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Death is inevitable, no one can defeat it for sure. But i do believe crypto can be secure..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not questioning the credibility of crypto, it's just about how the crypto we have can be used after us in the future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gotcha.. My bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven’t planned for anybody to inherit my wallet yet and it shouldn’t be because the future is unknown. But to be honest you’ve written a great article. Death can come at any time and we should be prepared for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also don't have anyone in my line who can inherit my Cryptos, I have my cousin interested but he is still too young. I'm sure some of my brothers and other cousins will understand after 5 years when Inflation will hit them. But till then I don't have anyone to share my wallets sadly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So everything online is not safe? How to validate that this online wallet is secure or not. Keep safe everyone, also your crypto keep it safe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The issue here is not online wallet security, but think about it this way. You want others to keep your money instead of you. How safe this is at all times is debatable, there are many examples in the past.

$ 0.00
2 years ago