Our Town Celebrating Pride March for LGBTQIA
Hello Everyone!!!
June 23, 2022
It's a good day everyone. And I wanted to say sorry over and over again for not being around this past few days. I'm so busy because were now back on our "barbecue business" after a whole week last week. My man is so busy on his career.
For your information he is a graduate of education, and this month he have nore activities to do about ranking. It's been his third attempt to apply. Hopefully this time he will got it already.
During his first application pandemic hits so application that time is much like suspended. And for the second time still theres pandemic but competition is so hard. And this time for the third it's still the same and were always praying and hopeful that he will be got in.
Anyway that's not what our topic today. It's all about "Pride Month" of LGBT that we celebrate. Our Vice Mayor wrote a resolution about this "Non Discrimanation" of LGBT and it was resolved. That is why the LGBT conduct a concert as a there way of thanking to all the residence of our town for the equality and acceptance of everyone of who they are.
The show was so great. Everyone enjoyed the said show. And before I forgot our town was the very first who celebrated it here in our Province. So I am proudly say that it will be the History and no one will ever forget this celebration.
That's all for now ny dear read.cash family. Thank you always to all of you, to all my sponsors for the support always. And to all my readers who always passed by. Again thank you so much.xoxo
Nakipride month dn ang mga bbq mo sis.