Celebrating children, the gift of creation!

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4 weeks ago

In the quiet moments of the day, when laughter fades into the soft hush of sleep, one realizes that children are more than just a gift—they are the embodiment of life's purest joys and greatest challenges.

Their laughter, like tinkling bells in a gentle breeze, dances through the air, filling every corner with warmth. Yet, in the very same breath, their mischievousness sparkles like a wild firework, bursting with unexpected surprises and untamed energy.

They test boundaries, not out of malice, but out of curiosity and the sheer joy of exploration. In their innocence, they stumble, they fall, and they rise again, resilient and brave, teaching us lessons in perseverance and resilience that we thought we had long forgotten.

They challenge our patience, leaving trails of chaos in their wake, yet in the chaos, we find the beauty of spontaneity and the freedom to embrace imperfection.

They are the artists of our lives, painting vibrant strokes of love, frustration, pride, and humility on the canvas of our hearts. They remind us that life is not meant to be a perfectly scripted play but a messy, glorious adventure filled with surprises at every turn.

So, yes, children can be naughty, but they are also the greatest gift—a gift that keeps on giving, shaping us into better versions of ourselves with every giggle, every tantrum, and every heartfelt "I love you" that escapes their lips.

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Written by
4 weeks ago


So true. The biggest gift I ever had. Someone whose making me a fighter. And give me the reason to get back on my feet and move forward.

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4 weeks ago