Employment communication is related with management of job searching activities preparing for job employment by designing, resuming, cover letter and all necessary certificates for applying in the post.

Preparing for job employment It is managing all necessary documents and being mentally to apply for the post with the support of large number of personal property. Employer today like to know your property, skill and quality before making skill and quality before making some decisions so you must have skill training, academic achievement and other special qualities to convince to the prospective employer that you are the best candidate. Preparing and planning for the employment also require articleship or internship activities volunteer involvement and special specialisation related to job.

Planning and preparing is a challenging task to candidate but it can be managed or simplify by fulfilling following stages :-

  1. Identifying your interest

It is analysing and knowing personal interest regarding the job. It is looking inside yourself to know what you like or dislike so that you can make good employment choice.

Following question can be asked :-

Do you enjoy working with people or thing?

Would I rather work in large or small company?

Must I work in city or remote?

Am I looking for earning or learning?

Importance of salary, status and benefits

Importance of working conditions

  1. Evaluating qualification

It is analysing the basic requirements about his skill and qualification necessary to fulfill our interest. Employer want to know what asset you have to offer them so asset should be develop at first.

Following question can be asked:-

What computer skill can I offer?

Am I creative?

Do I learn quickly?

Do I speak, write and understood other language?

Do I communicate well?

What other skills have I acquire in college?

Do I work well with people?

  1. Recognising changing nature of job

It is deciding about either permanent or temporary job. It is now work is becoming more flexible and job are more dynamic with a large number of opportunity in the private sector show, you should be clearly think about either life long job with high level of security or temporary job with learning environment. While making such decision market trends and situation factors should be consider.

  1. Choosing career path

It is choosing career field for developing long-term career. Career should be selected carefully on the basis of personal interest as suggestion can be collected from a consultants seniors, college professor, website and career centre. Wrong selection of career creates frustration in future.

  1. Searching job

It is searching job from job market. Job can be selected from traditional and modern techniques. Traditional techniques include newspaper, magazine, notice board of the company. But modern techniques include email, E-net and online job activities.

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@faruk420 posted 3 years ago
