The Benefits of Water

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Avatar for fados4sure
3 years ago

Before discussing the benefits of water, it is important to write about the meaning of water.

So, what is water? Water is a substance the composes of hydrogen and oxygen and can exist in either solid (ice), liquid (tap water) or gas (steam). Water can also be refer to as universal solvent because it is present in virtually all facets of life. For example, it may interest you to note that 70% of the human body is made up of water and 70% of the total land mass of the world is also made up of water.

What are the benefits of water?

The benefits of water cannot be over emphasize as they include the following;

1, Water help to regulate the body temperature - Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of the body or a given place and of course, continuous in take of water can help regulate the body temperature

2, Water help to flush the kidney - It may interest you to not that constant in take of water can help the kidney to function properly. That's why the medical doctor will advise we take a lot of water in the morning and evening so as to help the kidney function properly.

3, Water help to improve skin complexion - You may want to know that in our society, there are some people that looks older than thier age while some look younger than thier age and a recent survey show that those that looked older than their age barely take water and those that looked younger than thier age continually and constantly take a lot of water reason be that the water will prevent the skin from ageing.

So, it is medically advisable to drink a lot of water on a daily basis.

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I had said this over again it a bit impossible to deal without water, water no get enemy water is so needy in life.

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3 years ago

You're right that's why I advise you drink a lot of water in the morning, afternoon, evening and night so as not to be dehydrated and have a glowing skin

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes you can see a lot of this with me I hope you subscribe to my profile and see alot of thing .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Benefits of drinking water It may improve memory and mood

Research has shown that even mild dehydration can impair memory and mood in everyone from children to the elderly.

It can help reduce sugar cravings and aid weight maintenance

the brain can’t actually tell the difference between hunger and thirst, so often we can mistake thirst as a ‘sugar craving’. The next time you feel the need for something sweet, try drinking a glass of water first.

Staying hydrated may also help with weight maintenance. research has shown that having water before a meal may fill you up more and therefore promote weight loss by eating less at the meal. This is also true in a 2015 study that swapped diet drinks for water. the results showed this may lead to greater weight reduction and also improved insulin resistance.

It may improve exercise performance

there has been a lot of research into the effects of hydration or dehydration in athletes, and the results all pretty much conclude that dehydration not only affects sports performance but also physiological function too.

It may reduce headaches and migraines

a lack of water may increase the risk of a headache or migraines in some individuals.

It may help prevent constipation in children and adults

Water helps to ‘keep things moving’ in the digestive system, and so staying hydrated can help prevent constipation in children, adults and the elderly.

there is some evidence that fizzy water may be of particular benefit too.

It may help to prevent kidney stones

Poor hydration may increase the risk of developing or reoccurrence of kidney stones in some individuals.

It may help reduce the risk of bladder infections

some studies have shown that drinking more water can reduce the risk of bladder infections and urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, in women.

It may reduce a hangover

while drinking water won’t prevent a hangover, some research suggests that being hydrated can reduce some of the negative after-effects of drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic and therefore makes the body lose more water then you take in.

It may help to manage anxiety

hydration has an impact on the brain, as well as the body, and research has shown that even mild dehydration can have a negative impact on energy levels and moods, which may heighten the symptoms of anxiety.

How much water should we drink a day? the NHS recommends consuming 6-8 glasses or cups a day, and it also includes lower fat milks, and low sugar or sugar-free drinks, tea and coffee within this intake.

Be mindful of added sugars or syrups in tea, coffee and soft drinks which will increase your overall sugar intake for the day.

you may also need more water if you are exercising or when the weather is hot, as we lose water through sweating.

A good way to check if you are hydrated is by the color of your urine. Ideally, this should be a very pale yellow. if it is clear you could be drinking too much water, and it if it is darker you need to drink more. When checking the color, be aware that some medications, supplements and some food

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3 years ago

You're very correct with your analysis and that is why I'll advise you to take water always so as not to be dehydrated

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3 years ago

This is very very vital and important. Water is life ooooooooo my people - no water no life

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3 years ago

You're very correct because 70% of the body is made up of water and as such water can also be life which of course mean that without water, there is no life

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3 years ago

It is very important to stay hydrated, so drink water 😋

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3 years ago

Okay! I'll drink plenty of water

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3 years ago

Yes it is very important because water is a universal solvent and as such, it is readily available and don't forget to take a lot of water today

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3 years ago

Water is life!

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3 years ago