What brings you comfort when you are suffering or going through stressful time? On whom do you lean during difficult times?
People may disappoint you with quick-fix responses to your hurt and friends may assure you that everything will be alright.
But the greatest comfort of all is God's comfort.
Seek God's comfort, because when you seek His comfort, He becomes your refuge. God understands your weaknesses and invites you to come to Him with all your concerns.
Sometimes burdens seem unbearable. You feel as if you're bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders. It seems as if God's plan has stalled . Perhaps you've prayed a long time for something, but the Lord still hasn't answered. Maybe you asked Him to intervene the situation but nothing has changed.
God's plan may seem too slow. Sometimes God has to dash your hopes in order to give you what He knows is best. The Lord may not fulfill it in the way or the time that you expect. God may appear inactive, but bear in mind that He is moving beneath the surface, preparing you for the future.
When a crisis comes, cry out to our Almighty God, but be sure to do so with a righteous heart, then He will hear you and answer; either fulfilling your hoped-for request or providing a different solution.
Remember God is loving, omniscient, and sovereign, you can fully trust that His answer is in your best interest. Ask God to clarify and direct your desires to coincide with His way. Then rest in His goodness and keep your hope in Him.
~Be inspired
Thank you for reading 😊
💕zoe / ezo316💕
oh, why can't I upvote? 😥