Singapore Human Trafficking (again)

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Written by
1 year ago

As expected, Singapore gross human trafficking continues, with Singapore Government and Singapore 'Agencies' profiteering off human trafficking of minors.

In the latest gross example of Singapore Human Trafficking, Singapore

  1. trafficked an underage 17 year old female minor into Singapore, in full coordination with Singapore Government and Singapore 'Agencies' (also regulated by Government) - a gross human rights abuse

  2. withheld her passport on purpose so she could get help or leave - a gross trafficking procedure that is defined by human trafficking

  3. put her into 'debt' - typical human rights trafficking trick to force them into slavery, not only not pay them, but force them to giving everything they earn, have and more to the 'agency' while working 10 hour days 6 days a week (as a 17 year old girl)

  4. placed her into a family that tortured her, very common in Singapore, with a long history of human trafficking minors into Singapore families, only to die by starvation and torture from the 'employers'

  5. Singapore and Agencies refused to check on or help the trafficked minor, also with torture signs, typical in Singapore. This follows numerous murders of trafficked minors, that routinely go unpunished, where 'employers' can do anything do trafficked minors and get away with it due to the gross judges and legal system. A long history of torture, and a long history of Singapore judges rubber stamping fake and false employer claims against their trafficked workers, where a court will punish workers for completely made up crimes by employers

  6. The minor, correctly and honorably fighting for her life, killed the employer. She likely knew the fate of many other Myanmar trafficked girls, which was to be tortured to death by either beatings or starvation.

Yet in Singapore, the only story is that a 'domestic helper' killed her employer, and charged with murder.

You can see the horrors of the Singapore repeating year after year, nothing changes, and Government continues every time this happens.

The disgusting Singapore Judge, Justice Andre Maniam, shows the extreme rejection of all human rights, and shocking display of so called 'justice'.

Based on the evidence, she rightfully killed the employer in self defense.

If there was any justice at all

  1. all the government officials involved in human trafficking would be in jail

  2. the agency staff would all be in jail

  3. the employers family would be in jail for hiding and covering up torture and trafficking

  4. she would be compensated for debt, travel, and trauma by the government

  5. she would be returned home to her family in Myanmar

Justice Andre Maniam, making a mockery of all legal standards and norms:

  1. Ignores that this was a human trafficking case, did not even consider that she was 17 years old girl knowingly trafficked by the Singapore Government in collusion with agencies

  2. He rejected all arguments that should could have been affected by being human trafficked at 17 years old, had her passport taken, had been put into debt (no wages given), has been tortured by the employer, and had been constantly refused help by government and agencies

  3. He ignored that her passport was withheld from here, a gross human trafficking violation

  4. He rejected that she could be depressed due to being trafficked at 17 years old and tortured in the family home

  5. He rejected the beatings, the pouring of boiling water on her, and other torture that is common in Singapore with human trafficked minors, it is repeated over and over again, and covered up by the government

  6. He rejected that she could be in a troubled mental state, which is absurd

  7. He said the torture would not have caused the stabbing, even though myanmar domestic workers have a well documented history of being tortured to death by beating and starvation in Singapore. This girl was exactly right to defend her life and kill the employer.

  8. The judge actually said in court that "she was willing to tolerate this treatment", defined as torture. You can't even make this stuff up, these are actual judges, the worse of human scum of society as a judge. Trafficked 17 year old girls with their passports and withheld from any help.

  9. He actually ignored that she was put into debt after being trafficked by the agency, a common tactic for human slavery after trafficking humans. She was a worker working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day...not paid one cent but has money taken from her to put her into debt! Obviously this is the very definition of slavery.

  10. After all this, the judge conclusion is "the accused failed to establish diminished responsibility". He ignored global human rights violations, trafficked 17 year olds, and torture and all normal and good in Singapore!

  11. Will sentence the victim (the girl) to death or life imprisonment.

Nothing can be so gross as performing the most brutal human rights violations and trafficking and torture of minors, and then sentencing the victims to life in prison or death by hanging.

This is so disgusting, the world, and every country, should all call for the death penalty against the fake 'judge', Justice Andre Maniam.

Now we will just wait until the next horror...

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Written by
1 year ago


It's so sad that mostly minors especially women are the one who suffered from this illegal activities. Hoping that the government will take an accurate action regarding with this. They shouldn't ignore this issue

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Women and children are regular victims of human trafficking and other criminal activities in the Philippines. Contact me at:

$ 0.00
1 year ago

How sad to read this kind of humiliation and mistreatment of other people for those incapable of defending themselves. I hope the government will be aware of this alarming news.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I thought Singapore government been changed, what a heck! The minors is the real victim but we can't blame them if they want to work at Singapore for a money. I feel pity for them, they sacrifice themselves for a job that can cause death sometimes. Human trafficking is everywhere so we must be smarter than them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is very sad news for us. Many people especially the women are already victim of Human trafficking. I hope this will be end.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

how sad I am to see how they humiliate and mistreat a young girl who should be studying and dreaming of a future of greatness, I hope that she can free herself, God willing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Still one of the main problem and cannot be resolve even here in our country. The saddest part is they exploit the young specially the women

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sadly, human trafficking is still present in differwnt countries. The future of those minors had been lost.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is scary and alarming. This is just sad, which makes it worse is minors are involved. I do hope the government has a better plan for this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So sad to hear about this ,I am praying that this traffivking will end. Same here in the country a lot of illegal activities and traffivking and if a victim is poor ,theres only a little posibility that the victim can get justice.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Trafficking and other illegal activities are very rampant everywhere here in the Philippines, common victims are women and children. It was very scary knowing that our place is not safe anymore. our government cannot resolve the issues because many powerful people are behind them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Trafficking is so common in Africa although the victims are export to more civilized country as slaves and I hope there are possible means of curbing it really soon cause it becoming the order of the day

$ 0.00
1 year ago