In Morning i barrow and Lend at night

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3 years ago

When I woke in the morning, I saw a wealth of sun,

As a bird-song faded,its singing just done

Sunlight I asked: Can you spare a spark of your heat?

Bird I asked: Can you lend a sweet note of your song?

Grass I inquired of:Can I beg a blade of new green?

Conch-weed I conjured: Can I share one beam of your opening brightness?

Wind I pleaded with: Can I take from your flowing a shadow of breath?

Wave I questioned: Can I have a hair's width of your heady leap?

Sky I asked:Can I barrow your boundless for the space of one wink?

All I ask for a share and all gave,

And I live, for living,in fact,adds only to these:

Warm sweetness, fragrant green,opening brightness,heady resilient flowing

In boundless being,aware

Of all such borrowed goods

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