give time for yourself

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3 years ago

We are all busy in the different role in our lives and most of the time we find that our self is the only thing who left behind. At times did you notice that you are too exhausted to finish all the things that you need to do, it is a sign that you need a time for your self.

Satisfying needs for our self is very important it is like how you can you give love to others if you do not love your will come naturally in an inner sense.In doing this we must find time for our self this questions will help you answer if you give your self enough time.

Are you healthy?

Health is very important to us because if we are not healthy how can we do all the responsibilities in life.You must find time to eat healthy foods because we know all the instant and fast foods are not good in body, time to exercise doing all things we can achieve a healthy life style.

Did you find time to reflect?

We must reflect our daily works so we can asses if we are in the right track of life,most of the time we are busy doing a lot of thing and we forgot to reflect if we did good or bad in a day. Have time to communicate with our creator to find courage to deal all of the challenges in our lives.

What are the things that you really want to do?

Satisfying our own needs is very essential, think of all the things that you want to do first without consideration with your responsibilities write a bucket list. In fulfilling your own needs you will find your self more effective happy and become a much better version of our self .

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3 years ago
