foods that damage our health

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3 years ago

It is very east to get confused about healthy and unhealthy foods items.We generally try to avoid some food when we want to lose weight or when our physicians forbids us from having them.

Here are the foods that damage our health.

Sugary drinks-In today's world added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in our daily diet.When consumed large amount, it can drive insulin resistance which is strongly linked to fatty liver disease.Consuming more sugar is also linked to heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Most Pizzas-The most popular junk food is pizza today.When restaurants produce pizza,they speed up the process adding unhealthy ingredients to it.Some of them are highly refined dough and heavily processed meat.Pizza also tends to be very high in calories and regular consumption of pizza may lead to obesity and heart diseases.Commercial white bread is made from refined wheat which lacks essential nutrients like fibers and is high in sugar which leads to spikes in blood sugar levels.

Fruit juices-We usually consider fruit juices healthy most of the fruit juice claims to contain a higher amount of anti oxidants and vitamin C,but at the same time they also contain higher amount of sugar thus the fruit juice harbors as much as sugar in sugary drink like our carbonated cola.

Cereals-Breakfast cereal are popular among children, and they love it with milk.However most of the cereals are processed cereal grains such as wheat,oats,rice and corn these grains are roasted,shredded,pulped,rolled or flaked.They have a higher level of sugar which makes them unhealthy.

Pastries, cookies and cakes-Package versions of most pastries,cookies and cake are unhealthy when eaten in excess.They are packed with refined sugar,refined wheat flour, and added fats which my be high in unhealthy trans fats. These treats might be tasty,but they have almost no essential nutrients and are caloric bombs.

French fries-Whole white potatoes are very healthy;however,we cannot say about french fries or potato chips.They are processed many times,stored and a lot of additives are added in excessive amounts.These chips and fries may also contains acrylamides which are carcinogenic substance that can cause cancer.

Low fat yogurt-yogurt is incredibly healthy;however yogurt that are found in most grocery stores are bad for our health.They are often low in fat but loaded with sugar to compensate for the flavor that the fat provides.Most of the packed yogurts don't contain probiotic bacteria as they are killed with pasteurization.

Processed meat-Meat are great source of protein,but processed meat is hazardous for our health.It contains additives that can lead to colon cancer,hypertension,stomach diseases,and heart issues.

Processed cheese-There are two types of cheese one is processed and the other is regular cheese.Regular cheese is very healthy and contains a lot of nutrients:however processed cheese contains artificial ingredients and fewer dairy benefits.

Though today's food is packed with junk food,but remember to read the labels if you found something additive or extra sugar,put it back on the shelf.

We better ignore this food or consume it in very small amount remember to much of everything is bad for us especially in our health.

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