Why we are afraid of losing the person we love? Why is it that the fear of losing the person we love is always inside us. Even if we know that he is with us, he will never leave us. But the fear is still inside us. It is created that there may be no human being in this person's life that she will leave us or she will distroy our whole life or we may say that we are afraid that When we love someone, it will be very sad if that person leaves us

I understand that when a person becomes our weakness, the person we love so much, we never want to be that person and we want to keep such a person away from other human beings.

Today, when I was thinking about this, I started having a lot of pain in my head which caused me to have a fever. Because man, I also believe that when a person loves you immensely, That person never pays attention to other people, he only cares about you. But still, it has confused me a lot.

But if the person who really loves you will never deceive you, he will always take care of your honor and will consider you as his own. And the man who does not love you will love you. He will leave and will never come back. I know that relationships are very delicate but we have to take care of these delicate relationships ourselves.

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@essasherazi posted 2 years ago
