Why You Aren't Where You Want to be Financially
We always look at the fake or real successful people on social media. We worry that we are not going to make it. The reason we end up in this situation where we think less of our own selves is because we have not taken action.
And this approach continues to compound and build onto something different. Which in turn makes it harder for us to be present financially. I have struggled a lot on the financial grounds last few years which helped me learn this.
So I thought I should write about things that does not make anyone successful and what needs to be done to change that. I have mostly taken action on that front and going to be relying on some of the below points to make it easier for you to understand.
Let's discuss why we are not rich or where we want to be financially or at other means of abundance part.
No focus on single thing.
Let's say you want to write an article. And you are supposed to do that in short time. But instead you have Netflix going on in front of you. People talking in another side. And the distractions are all over the places.
This is a sign that you lack focus and also the single most important thing is missing with your approach towards the goal. In order to reach the goal that you seek, you need focus on it for short amount of time or the time it requires for completing the same.
So focus needs to be gained and needs to be practiced as you move ahead with the plan that you have in your mind. Make sure to give some focus to the work for short time and in each interval do some work. This is how it can be done.
No consistency for 1 year.
What you are doing right now that is giving you some results? You have to do that for 1 year. And keep doing this for another year. This sort of the consistency is going to make you financially safe in that place.
Lack of consistency means you are not going to reach your goals. And that would stop you from reaching to the place where you want to be. So start doing things that matter and keep doing them for longer time.
You have to be consistent for longer term to keep the success sustainable. Unless you do that you are less likely to grow your investment of any type and also jobs or business don't sustain unless you work on them regularly.
No rest. only daydreaming.
You are day dreaming that you want to be rich or you will get rich in near times. You have to understand that day dreaming forever is going to get you there. It is not a thing that works for most of the people. That's why action needs to follow.
You need to rest and give day dreaming a chance to be done in your sleep. Not when you are awake. In the awake times you have to only take actions. That's what life has to be only action, less day dreaming.
When you take action towards your dreams you are going to be building your phase. And that is another way of building the direction for your future steps. So start taking action with each of your focused view.
No iteration. No changes.
We have to iterate over the things that work and we have to keep building things that can be iterated over. Because otherwise the consistency would be lot harder to worked upon as well.
No changes happen unless you are going to iterate over your set of the direction. You have to find things work. Find why they work. And how to keep going with them for long haul. That's how the changes may come to reality.
Make sure to do one thing that works, iterate over it's success and failure and find out what would be next course of your action. Build upon that as that is how things work as well.
What do you think?
If you are struggling with the success, make sure to keep above points into the mind. Build your future on the success of each of those points and see where they are going to take you further.
What do you think? I'd appreciate your comments on this :)
I am trying to work on my goals daily but sometimes got disappointed that I am not doing good I will not do it or confusions about that it's right way to struggle or not stop me