How to Deal with the Problem People

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1 year ago

We all meet wrong people at some part of our life. And the thing is that dealing with various life issues becomes lot harder. Some of the time dealing with problem requires some focus.

And when we want to deal with problems we have to consider what we have and what we can do with the people. In that context dealing with various set of the problems becomes harder if the other party is into manipulation.

I realized that dealing with various set of the people can be difficult if there are connections, be it family, office and other connections. Also what that person can do back to you is another thing to watch out as well.

In this article, I am listing some of the problems specific to dealing with people and what we can do about the same. Do let me know about people management on that context.

Don't Argue. Just Listen.

People who are problematic are hard to argue. They use brain, voice and power to argue with you. And more you argue, the more power they get over you. And they feel like a war worth winning and they work on that.

So if you argue more that would drain you both mentally and physically too. It could affect you on many levels. So it's always a good thing to just listen and focus your attention on other things if possible.

Another thing to consider is that if you listen and work on the argument you could improve a lot. So make sure to work on those things and see what you can do about it. So on that context work as much as possible.

If They're Venting. Let them.

Most of the problem people have problems. Like it's a magnet. They have problem so they become one. And as long as you handle the problems properly learning to vent the concerns helps out as well. I realized that from experience.

If you vent the right way and have some sort of the positive direction then life can be reasonable. You have to understand that when you vent and handle the problem the right way it can be useful on that context.

So let those people vent and get those things off the chest. That way you can easily improvise and even make the life a bit better along the way. In short make sure to have them some space and room to get things off chest.

Just show them you care but don't get attached.

Some are really broken. Like other people have done something wrong to them. And on that context it'd be reasonable to work with the attachment and the concerns on that regards. Make sure to not get attached.

Like when you listen to the story of another side you feel like getting attached. And that sort of the attachment leads to more or less problems. Something a lot of us needs to work on and play as well.

I know one thing for sure that when you are attaching to the right things, life in general improve. I guess we learn from our experience on what people and type of things to improve upon and work for the same.

Connect them with someone who can solve their issues.

Sometimes you are not the person to ask or cry shoulder for. In such case make sure to direct that person to another person. And let them solve the issue. And that is one of the ways the people can handle you and the problems.

Like you are supposed to give them a direction and not become the solution. Because trying to help other people is a bad thing. And it even gets you on the wrong levels if not done properly as well.

I feel giving them access to the right set of the people is a good thing. And if done things the right way it can solve some of the issues too. So one should think of connecting to the right people.

What do you think?

Do you think dealing with people is easy? How do you deal with the right set of the people? How do you make decisions on that front?

Share your views in the comments.

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1 year ago


When I am meeting problem people, just like you, I only listen and do not argue with them. I am trying to be cool and calm so that I would not ignite the fire for strong emotions of anger. And of course, it is really so good to show our care to them as we connect with them. Surely they are problematic so there is really a need to understand every problem person in the world. Your article is interesting Esmee. Nice meeting you today and thank you for this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think one of the hardest jobs in the world is to deal with these finite people. I think we should not fight these troubled people and waste our energy. Let's best ignore them. let's pretend they don't exist

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also believe that we must know how to listen to both sides. Mostly our attachment to one side of the story makes us unreasonable and our judgement is imbalance. You're right that guiding the problematic person to the right advisor will help them more esp if we are not fully expert in that area.

Good judgement, right people to talk with, focus on solutions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You wrote that you need to connect them to those who will help them, but that's what I "connect" my neighbors who are brawlers - to the local department or the police. Shouting and arguing won't help. That's the only way!

$ 0.00
1 year ago