If it's meant to be...it'll be

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3 years ago

"Retreating is not a coward act, rather it portrays how brave you are to cease fire when its time"

Many of us believe in the power of luck but some don't. Many of us argue that fortune tellers really sees our future but some oppose it. Lotto winners think it likely that the prize they got from the lottery game were destined to them, for them, but some says that, it was just a piece of luck. So where must our future lie? Should we just depend it in luck?

Great thing about being futuristic is that we tend to imagine a much comfortable life with our treasures, our loved ones for sure. In my point of view, I do not want to be that super rich, I just wanted a comfortable life where I can provide for my kids, for my family, for my parents and ofcourse, for myself. At some point, I even imagined myself being satisfied with foods I do not usually eat but is indeed in my bucketlist, then traveling for some business matters, giving hope also to those in need especially for students applying for financial assistance like I do, buying my kids shoes and clothes, and stuffs like that. How satisfying it is! It's making me jump over time again.

So much for that, there's this saying that I often think about,

"If it's meant to be... It'll be - J.M Barrie".

And as defined,

if something is meant to be, it seems certain to happen, usually because it has been decided by God or other forces that people believe cannot be controlled.

In short, if its for you, it'll be for you, if not, it's not for you.

Like I mentioned in my previous article I'm currently taking up the course Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. And to tell you honestly, I am really struggling not just a bit, but a way lot more, most especially to our new setting. Online class makes it even more hard to learn accounting. However, still grateful for some of my friends who stood up and are still standing beside me and are willing to lend me a helping hand and shoulders to lean on. I owe you a lot guys. I wouldn't be as confident as I am now without you. Thank you for pushing me and believing that I can.

Before, I really pushed myself to study and study and study and study beyond my capabilities. To the extent that I even forget to eat, to sleep, to take a nap and rest. But there's this someone that made me realize that it's not bad to exert effort on studies but as human being, we all deserve a break. That we should learn to cease fire. That we should learn the concept of balancing. Studying harder and setting aside your health is like killing yourself softly. He then left something ,"Ourselves are the most precious thing, and therefore, we must take care of it above anything" and as the common saying goes, "health is wealth".

God knows how I wanted to have that PRC license. It's indeed my dream to become professional which I wanted to turn into reality. A dream that would give me hope in this world full of negativities and doubts.

I do not know what the future holds but I am willing to take risks.

But if being a CPA it's not really for me, then it'll be time to embrace it wholeheartedly.

I believe that God has a better plan.

He is whom we should hold unto, not just on mere LUCK. He will never leave us hanging, instead, He'll lead our path and give us direction to what road we should take.

CPA or not, i will not stay as a disappointment but, I WILL BRING HONOR TO MY FAMILY, whatever it takes.

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Avatar for eroskye
3 years ago
