Believe you can and you will

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4 years ago

I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”

- Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

It is true that optimists, or positive thinkers, are at an advantage in life compared to pessimists. That's because of the impact that your attitude and mentality have on all that we come across. Our social interactions, our jobs and even our wellbeing are an important part of our everyday life and we can feel how negative and optimistic feelings can have a domino effect on what we do during the day.

The way we choose to think, whether positive or negative, has a significant impact on the end result and is reflected in everything we do. That is why it is important to have a positive perspective on life.

Optimism does not have a better alternative. Pessimism does not accomplish much, and has no advantages over optimism. Optimism helps us see new possibilities, learn and keep learning from various circumstances. Movement and growth is important in life, which helps us achieve optimism.

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4 years ago


I believe that when you think negatively, negative things will happen to you and it can also cause stress and anxiety when you have negative thoughts like this,

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4 years ago