Despite of how busy you are, do you still give yourself a 'me time' ?
Isn't it a selfish way to spend some of your time alone for yourself?
Here's why you should schedule some 'Me Time'
No matter how busy you are in life, may you be a student, a parent, a business man or a politician. May you be rich or poor, sometimes you need to savor your few hours of freedom and solitude.
Take Note:
Solitude is different from loneliness.
While loneliness is a state of is the perception of being alone, solitude is essential to our health and well-being.
In fact, building more solitude into your daily life might actually reduce your feelings of loneliness.
Spending a little time for yourself helps you to refresh and recharge your energy. Allowing you to think clearly and take better decisions and choices. Taking your time alone is giving your brain a chance to replenish and rest. It's an opportunity to strengthen your mind and body at the same time.
'Me time' also helps in building your 'self esteem', helping you to realize about your importance and why you really deserved a little time for yourself.
Don't think of this as an act of selfishness. You should not feel guilty about it. It's actually one of the healthiest things that you can do for yourself and for those you love and care for.
Putting yourself first isn't selfish. It's the first, and only a step toward putting anybody else before your own needs.
Even 5-15 minutes can work, if you stick to it.
Here are some tips how to enjoy your Me time.
Make and create something just for fun
Sleep if you have time
Write down your feelings, stresses, ideas and dreams
Treat yourself to something indulgent
Check in with your values and priorities
Make must-do tasks more pleasurable
Making time for yourself and your health should be a priority. Me time gives yourself the gift of peace.Taking 'Me Time' is an investment of self-love. It plays an important role in determining the present quality of our life and in the future.
So, how do you spend your me time?
If you haven't started yet, don't hesitate to schedule some me time in your daily life.
Please share with me your thoughts and and honest opinions in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you.
Wow this is really helpful