Question#1 My Dream Dream

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Avatar for enZopenzo
3 years ago

Good morning beautiful people of!!

For the past couple days I've been so busy doing family and house stuff so i haven't posted anything new besides my movie review(check it out). And am full of doubts in what should i post coz i was thinking of something that's new and not a lot of people were posting..i think? And honestly am not good at writing like others hahaha..

So today i got up early and and an idea struck my bean-sized brain!

What if i post a Q and A content?

I believe that questions is powerful tool for a great tons of reasons, but i think my goal here is helping you and myself for self- discovery. Knowing one's self is important for you to flourish and be productive in life. And that's what i want to achieve in posting this article.

So I'll be getting my questions from a book called "THE BOOK OF QUESTIONS" by Gregory Stock which is from what the title says a book full of questions(lols),great and peculiar questions. Im going to choose randomly and post the question along with my own answer. Please feel free to comment your answers as well on the comment section for everyone to enjoy and reflect in.

So for starters let's start with an easy and fun question.


    MyAnswer: Mine would be a scene from the animae show titled "Avatar:The Last Air Bender" where "Ang" the leading character fought with the fire lord Ozai.

    I am a great fan of that animae,no, I am obessed.

    Its a dream of mine to have a superpower and help people in need like i think most children want. It would be super cool if I could bend elements like water or fire just like what people do in the animae that im talking about. It would be a fun and wholesome experience if i get a chance to dream that scene. Where in the end I would beat the Evil Fire Lord with my element bending abilities and restore the balance of the earth haha.

What's yours?

Comment down below.



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Avatar for enZopenzo
3 years ago


I literally have nothing in mind. But, I considered wanting to dream about being with my late dogs once again. I've been dreaming abt them for consecutive nights and I would never be tired of it. I really miss them soooo much. I miss seeing them, hugging them, cuddling them, and playing with them. I still dont understand why we have to lose those who are the most significant to us. Even though they're gone, they will forever be in my memory. I would trade for a day in my life just to see them once again. Not in my dreams but in reality. anyways, this has turned out to an essay HAHAHHAH yeah that's it. Anyways, I loved all the questions you gave me beforehand coming from that book. I've never been asked those. So coool

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3 years ago

i know ur late dogs are so happy to hqve u as their mama coz ur one of the sweetest human i know and i think they miss u too so much. The only advice i can give u is Stop dwelling in the past and use this day to show ur affection to those u cherish the most. I don't know the answer for ur question bout why we loose important people in our lives but maybe well be together again not in this life but maybe in the next. ...thanks for sharing and expect more questions bhiee💙

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3 years ago

thank you very muuuch. this article made me contemplate huhuhu. i love it

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3 years ago

u'll be contemplating more soon

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3 years ago

u'll be contemplating more soon

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3 years ago

There were a lot to mention. But, the best one is, I want to dream about this certain guy who broke my heart, without him knowing it. I want a dream of him saying sorry for what he, maybe, unintentionally did. 😔 I want a dream of him explaining why things got messy. I want him to tell me why am I not the one he chose. This might help for a closure in my head. Even if it will happen only in my dream.

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3 years ago

Im so sorry for what happened between u and that certain guyyy ur talking...i know your hurting and i hope that u get better, I wish that dream of urs comes true or become reality if that's what will mend ur broken heart. thanks for sharing💙and sending u lots of love

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3 years ago

I'm fine now. I have moved on. But, I need the closure of course. Thank you so much!

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3 years ago

i cant give u any love advice or broken heart advice bcoz i haven't been on a relationship hahaha but i know u'll get better,Thanks again💙

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3 years ago

Thank you so much! 😍♥️

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3 years ago