Healing Wonder of Herbs

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A return to natural healing, the use of organic medicines, is the need of our tine. The prices of manufactured drugs are high. Their availability is not always assured. We need practical remedies for our common ailments. We must discover the healing elements in nature.

These are suggested remedies that have been proven effective. However , complications and certain conditions beyond present knowledge of plant medicines cannot be ruled out. Complications are unlikely to happen If the procedures and instructions are properly followed.


ASTHMA – is a disease of the bronchial tubes or airways. Symptoms are a feeling of tightness in the chest , shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing

Water Treatments:

1. Fomentation on the chest, 2 times a day.

2. Steam inhalation , 2 times a day.

3. Breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes when there is no attack of asthma, 4 times a day.

Breathing Exercises:

Position: Sit relaxed on a chair, with the back supported by a pillow. Breathe in through the nose. Then purse the lips and pretend you are blowing through a straw. Blow out twice as long as you breathe in. Gradually increase the time of blowing. Relax after blowing and take 3 or 4 normal breaths before you start the pursed breathing again. These can be done in the morning , upon waking up, and in the evening, before retiring. These may be performed also when short of breath while doing other exercises and activities.

Herbal Medications:

1. Talampunay Leaves (datura)

● Roll 2 dried leaves

□ Use as cigarette every 6 hours

2. Kalatsutsi Leaves (plumeria acuminata)

● Roll 2 dried leaves.

□ Use as cigarette , one in the morning and one in the evening.

3. Kulitis Leaves and Flowers (Amaranthus spinosus L.)

● Boil 5 cjopped young stems with flowers and leaves in 5 glasses of water for 10 minutes.

□ Dosage :

Adults: 1 cup, 4 times a day.

Children: ½ cup, 4 times a day.

Babies: 2 tsps., 4 times a day.

Note: This treatment is specially good for excessive mucus discharge.

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Nice article and very informative keep writing such good article!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this informative article. God bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well before this world was civilized our ninono was using herbs to heal wounds or any kind of disseas will the rest is history.

Such good article dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

love it. when I gave birth to my first baby I got bukol in my right breast, they said that serpentina l can remove it., so i tried, after drinking the mixture for two weeks the bukol became smaller I don't know if serpentina did it but its now gone..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i find this article cool , it contains interesting informations. thank you for sharing this. your article is good and full of knowledgeable informations.

$ 0.00
3 years ago