FOODlog #78: North West Malaysia Assam Laksa

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1 year ago

Two Sundays ago me and some friends went to play basketball at a nearby park and after that we went to have dinner together. We went to a local shopping mall that's been recently renovated. We had dinner at the food court where they have a good amount of selections to choose from.

For myself, I had 'Assam Laksa' which is a thick rice noodle dish that has a spicy and sour broth. Outside of Malaysia, I think this dish is very hard to come by so if you've tasted Thai TomYum, that would be the closest resemblance you can describe this dish.

Assam Laksa

It's less spicy compared to a TomYum and the sourness is unique as it comes from tamarind that's been dried and cut into slices which we call it here as 'assam keping' which translates to tamarind slices. Other ingredients in the 'laksa' broth are, fish, pineapple and cucumber slices, and also some other spices which I'm not sure what they are but they sure blend well together. Another thing that makes this dish so flavorful is that the broth is primarily made from prawn shells and head. This gives is a deep and rich aroma that's to die for! It's such an appetizing meal to have for dinner.

So you get spiciness from the chili, sweetness from the pineapple, freshness from the cucumber, the fish gives it a seafood sweetness, and the prawn broth is so rich and deep in flavor. Such a delicious dish especially the one from this stall called D'Laksa. This cost only RM8.90 (+- 2 USD).

For my drink I got myself a bottle of Coke from the grocer in the mall which was such a good combo after the spicy and sour Laksa. Can't wait to go back to this place again to get their 'laksa'. Yum yum ~~

Bottle of Coke

$ 0.00
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1 year ago
