FOODlog #427: Ginger Soy Chicken & Potatoes

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3 months ago

Cooked staff meal last night for everyone and I prepared a dish that my Mum cooked for us when we were growing up. It's a simply dish to make but very delicious and it's one of our favorite comfort foods.

Its a ginger a soy chicken dish that basically uses lots of ginger cut into strips then fried in oil until fragrant. I love the aroma from the ginger being fried. Super appetizing!

For the chicken, just marinate it with soy sauce, oyster sauce, and dark soy sauce. I leave it to marinade for as long as I prep the other ingredients. The last ingredient are the potatoes that I simply slice then it's deep fried for 4 minutes and removed.

Now back to the fried ginger, once it's fragrant, add in the chicken to cook. Once the chicken is brown, add in the potatoes and cook for an additional 6-7 minutes and let everything mingle with each other. The potatoes will soak up that delicious soy and ginger gravy.

I also cooked a vegetable side dish of stir fried Pak choy with garlic and chicken stock.

We had these 2 dishes with white rice and it was so satisfying and yummy. Really appreciate all the food and recipes I learned from my Mum.

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3 months ago
