FOODlog #421: Mutton Ribs & Ladies Fingers Scramble

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4 months ago

It was my turn to cook again for the staff. I went to buy some mutton ribs over my off days to prep for this meal.

I got around 2kgs of mutton ribs and I marinated it overnight with some herbs and spices seasoned with salt and pepper.

The next day I cooked it in the Combi oven at 180 degrees Celsius for around 2 hours and then deep fried it to get a nice crispy exterior. It wasn't my best attempt at this as I usually boil the ribs to soften it. I guess steam roasting in the combo oven doesn't cook it soft enough. Well at least now I know how not to cook it and a way it doesn't work at least for the amount of time I had to cook it.

I also cooked another dish which was were eggs and ladies fingers. I cooked the ladies fingers seasoned with salt until they soften then added in eggs and scrambled everything together.

We had everything with white rice. Although not as satisfying as our other meals, I learned another new thing in the kitchen.

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4 months ago
