FOODlog #420: Spiced Meatballs

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4 months ago


These chicken meatballs were so tender, juicy, and flavorful. One of the easiest meatball recipes you'll ever find, an all in one pan oven baked meatballs.

Its a base Meatball mix that you can use any protein you like whether its beef, pork, veal, chicken, or even turkey, and it'll be the juiciest and tastiest Meatball you've ever tried.

What's great about this base mix is not only the protein that you can switch around but also adding in different herbs and spices and the variations are endless.

Here's a spiced Meatball one I made the other day by adding in Cumin powder and Paprika. It turned into a middle eastern vibe sort of flavors. The kitchen was bursting with warm and earthy aromas once this came out of the oven.

It was such a heart and delicious meal and let your creativity in the kitchen run wild 🙌

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Avatar for drumsticks
4 months ago
