FOODlog #393: 羊肉拉面 (Lamb Noodle Soup)

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10 months ago

- 羊肉拉面 (Lamb Noodle Soup) -

This Chinese Lamb La Mien, also known as "Lamb Noodle Soup," was such a delicious meal!

Pull apart tender lamb shoulder pieces with some fatty bits and hand-pulled noodles all in an extremely flavorful hot broth was just absolutely amazing!

We don't always have lamb/mutton for our staff meals because of it being a pricier protein but when we do, we make it extra special.

The broth was so flavorful which you just kept going spoonful after spoonful until the bowl didn't even have a drop of soup left. It was truly an amazing dish. The lamb was so tender and soft, and paired so perfectly with the springy noodles and rich and flavorful broth.

One of my favorite staff meals we have had and will definitely want to have it again soon!

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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10 months ago
