FOODlog #101: Meat Hash Wraps

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1 year ago

Last week we had some wraps for our dinner. With some simple ingredients and fairly easy prep work, we had ourselves a delicious meal.

My wife cooked some stir fried sweet potato leaves with dried prawns as the vegetables for the wrap. For the protein she made a meat hash with minced pork and luncheon meat stir fried with potatoes and carrots that were diced up. She added some ketchup towards the end of stir frying the meat mixture and it gave it some slight acidity and sweetness that was really lovely.

Meat Hash
Sweet Potato Leaves

She actually cooked these 2 dishes and white rice for the kids but I didn't want to eat rice and had some wraps on hand so I decided to use the 2 dishes as part of my wrap and it turned out so good.

Wraps (Mission Brand)

I layered my wrap firstly with the meat hash, then I topped it with a slice of American cheese and then on top of that, the sweet potato leaves. I also added some Taco Bell sauce and also some KFC barbecue sauce which the wraps super delicious. Whenever we have fast food, I like to keep the sauces for occasions like this when I make my own wrap or sandwiches at home. I had a total of 3 wraps that night for dinner and was completely stuffed.

Super delicious meal and a nice break away from white rice which we have it on a daily basis.

$ 0.73
$ 0.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago
