When you begin to question life, life with a purpose begins

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2 years ago

When you begin to question life, you begin to wonder how you've been doing so far.

What am I doing doing with my life? What is this work I'm currently in? Do I feel satisfied with it? Am I paid properly? Am I learning something?

Life with a purpose begins once you start asking questions. Perhaps you still don't know your purpose in life but the act of questioning already positions you in the higher level of life.

Most of our lives, we tend to sleepwalk. Just playing those mindless games on our phones. Not minding if what we are doing is worth it or not.

Why do I eat? Why do I go to sleep? Why am I smiling? What makes me happy? Who are these people beside me?

While we are sleepwalking, we might have been missing some important details of our lives. We let them pass, never seeing their faces, those things that wanted desperately to appear to us.

But then, sleepwalking sometimes isn't bad enough. Let's be fair with it.

When we become fed up and burnt out, we sometimes just like to go on like we're zombies.

Life is sometimes more complicated that we think it is and simpler than we ought to understand.

There's no wrong or right combinations of doing the right things in life. For as long as they are right, that conforms to what our conscience tells us.

Most probably we are burdened by money problems and social problems. That what we only wanted to do is get over with problems that we are facing.

But after all is lived and solved, what now? Do we go to the afterlife? Or we create another set of problems. I know it's nothing like this.

Problems are never completely gone. Else, life itself is gone.

What's your take, a life with a purpose or a modest life? Or is your purpose having a modest life?

I know I know. I've been through hell with debts and promised words. I troubled my family and friends. I was in the pit that I have created. I went through hell to the point of wishing I was never born. But that was a thing I should have never wished.

Because life is a gift. We ought to find purpose in it.

If you really have nothing going on at the moment, then go about life being in love with sunset and the ocean. Be at awe with the sunrise and be at peace with people.

When life strikes hard, hold on and pray. Praying is the ultimate weapon we have as humans. And when we are at the point of trying to find meaning, then we have found the real meaning of life.

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$ 3.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
