Spending money wisely, etc.: A thought for resolution this new year

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2 years ago

And so it was on the first day of the year that I decided to execute a resolution.

Resolution to do things thoughtfully and modestly. Be it money matter, talk, act, or gesture.

It may be that it should not only be during the first days of the year that we put to action resolutions but let us simply use this reason to finally do it.

I see a lot of people spending thoughtlessly and regretting their actions. I am not excluded.

I forget time and again that I should be thrifty. In order to save up for my future and my family's future.

Talking about a BIG mouth, I used to have it. But I am now trying to lessen my promises and do more.

It is only in doing that we realize our goals and aspirations.

I dream of becoming someone. I then should immediately do what it should take to be one.

It is especially daunting to take on challenging roles but we have to take our first step to finally have a footing on things.

Years past, resolutions have surfaced every first days of the years and even though a lot has been forgotten, it is never too shallow to try and try again.

What were my past resolutions? I forgot but I think this year's is the most matured set of resolutions.

Being thoughtful with one's finance I believe is the most crucial thing to human race.

Not because money is our God but managing it is way better than simply working hard and earning it. We got to really be thoughtful with how we spend our money.

It is also a form of respect to all our hard works in earning money.

On another matter, about trash talking, I don't recommend it at all.

I just listened to my sister-in-law badmouth someone and it wasn't so pleasant to my ears.

The things she said may be true but the way she talked, it is as if she has the absolute right to talk.

She is much flawed but she talked as if she weren't.

Here I am, also saying bad things about her.

Anyway, my point is that I should stop badmouthing. Everything that comes from my mouth should be of help to others. Not something that will put their spirits down.

Imagine if we all do that thing, a lot of things will bend to a better direction.

Practicing the right gesture would also be worth putting to action.

For this one, I have to practice real hard. Eyes, ears, eyelashes, eyebrow, mouth, nose, joints of the body must be conditioned and we must be wary how we act.

At the same time we should also make time to culture the inside like our soul because if we are truly genuine and that our hearts are pure, it surely will reflect on our gestures.

We just have to practice and get things right in order to avoid misunderstandings.

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2 years ago
