Why I chose Hive to write my first novel?

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1 year ago

The day has come. I started writing what will be my first novel.

The truth is that I have been cooking this idea for some years and now I feel I am ready to take it on.

If you don't know me yet, my name is Dito Ferrer, I am a Cuban writer and filmmaker.

La Comunidad de Los Exiliados is the name it will have once finished. It is a science fiction novel, set in a futuristic society, and belongs to the Cyberpunk subgenre. It tells the story of a policeman who, on the verge of retirement, must solve an unexpected crime. As he unravels the clues, he will come across truths that will change his life forever.

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction, known for reflecting dystopian visions of the future in which advanced technology is combined with a low standard of living.


My novel fits into this genre because of the characteristics of its setting and setting. Here I tell you a little bit:

"After the successful colonization of Mars, mankind began to recreate the major cities there: Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, St. Petersburg, Havana... Cities carbon-copied from the originals but inhabited by a peculiar population: the elderly and cyborgs, since all the young population remained on Earth, in an attempt to avoid overpopulation and increase production."

In these "asylum cities" everything seems to be at the service of the comfort of its inhabitants, but the reality is that they suffer from intense control by the authorities. And the fact is that the accelerated aging of society has also led to overpopulation in those colonies, creating different and very marked social classes. In a style of government very similar to the most radical socialism, the population is required to work, and sacrifice to aspire to be allowed to return to Earth with his family to spend his last years. But..."

Enough, that I don't want to do spoilers.

Every novel is also a research work and sources of information are essential. In my case, I am inspired by works considered classics within the Cyberpunk genre: the film Blade Runner, by Ridley Scott, which in turn is inspired by the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. I'm also referring to William Gibson's novel Neuromancer and Netflix's Altered Carbon series.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?https://www.amazon.com/-/es/K-Dick/dp/6070743601

Blade Runner




Altered Carbon


The purpose of using references is not to copy themes or styles, but to enrich one's work and avoid falling into common places and stereotypes. Also to determine the main themes that these works address and see if they are coherent with those I intend to establish in the novel, in my case: the excessive control of the State, technology, emigration, and exile.

Writers are generally classified into two types: gardeners (or compass writers) and architects (or map writers). The gardener is the one who creates his story as he writes it and the architect is the one who plans it first and writes it later.

In my particular case, I identify more with the architect. First I draw up a plan or a map of my novel and then I start writing it.

The benefits of writing following a map are many, here are some of them:

. You are in control of everything that happens.

. It forces you to document yourself thoroughly.

. It forces you to think deeply about EVERYTHING about your book.

. It gives you more perspective on your work as a whole.

. It lets you decide what to show and what not to show.

. It favors verisimilitude and coherence.

. It facilitates later revisions and corrections.

Writing a novel is a complex exercise and takes a lot of effort to accomplish. You need a system of work that is reliable and that you are comfortable with. In my case, I sought help from one of the gurus of screenwriting: Robert McKee.


In this book, McKee explains the "inside-out" writing process used by countless Oscar-, Emmy-, and award-winning screenwriters. I believe that, although it is a method for writing film, if I adapt his system to writing my novel, I can achieve a more finished and impactful work. Besides, this method eliminates the fear of the blank page, the writer's block, and stimulates creativity.

In future articles, I will be explaining in detail what it consists of and how I am applying it.

I plan to publish it on Hive. I'm going to make it NFT via the Nftshowroon platform https://nftshowroom.com/ It's still too early to decide how many editions will be available, but each will have built-in soundtracks originally composed for the work, as well as all the artwork and graphic design (possibly AI-generated).

Owners of the token will not only own the work, but also a playlist and original designs that they can enjoy (or sell on the secondary market)

This blockchain has been a revolution in my life, and I know many others as well. The short time I've been on it has helped me discover myself as a writer and content creator. Now I have a space to share my art, get feedback and at the same time interact with other creators from different parts of the world from whom I learn every day.

It won't be just the novel. I'll be posting complementary stories, summaries, character profiles, worldbuilding elements, and all sorts of updates as I go along in the writing (all without giving plot spoilers). Also tutorials on how I approach each process and any teaching materials I use.

What do you think? Follow me on my profile and join me on this exciting journey.

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Follows me on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/DitoFerrer

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1 year ago
