This world is filled with different souls, having different stories, having their own version of suffering, carrying different baggage, living on different lifestyle, but the same sorrow catching them dancing in the rain. People mostly don't have the courage to tell what they really feel, sometimes they wear camouflage to fabricate and feel their strength alive. Sometimes we just don't able to see each other's struggles for we're too busy fixing ourselves too. But just because we're hurting, doesn't mean the world owe us an apology. I guess what I'm saying is that, we're all trying to survive, we're all having a hardtime. Maybe we can be a little gentle to ourselves, to each other, to this world. Life is ironic and complicated itself, we don't need to punish ourselves more. We can help each other, we can be kinder to everyone we met,for we don't know what their share of struggles. Maybe a little act of kindness can help one's soul from giving up. Maybe we only need to be brave to help one another and break the rules of silence.

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@dgzboo posted 3 years ago
