How You Should Treat Others - a story
Hi everyone! Today's motivation story is
How You Should Treat Others
once upon a time there was a beautiful hound he had long silky ears and a smooth bright skin and he was not only beautiful but strong and swift,
and a faithful servant. Whenever his master went hunting the hound went with him and chased the deer
After many years the hound grew old and feeble but still, he followed his master with the other dogs one day a stag had been chased, till it was almost tired out and the old hound came up with it and seized it but his teeth were old and broken and could not hold fast so, that the stag gave a sudden bound and got away just then the master rode up and seeing what had happened was very angry.
He took his whip to strike his faithful
old hound hold hold o dear master said he do not strike me. I meant to do well it is not my fault that I am old remember what I have been
if you do not like me as I am now
you see in life in your life remember how proud you were when you first came into the possession of something that you cherished a lot remember how you treat and value people
When they are of use to you,
and keep treating them that way forever. Even when they are old and gray like the master's hound
These were their to-do motivation stories. Thank you so much for reading this article and stay blessed
That's so touching... It's a really lovely story and you are right we should treating people with the same respect as to how we began and we keep on doing it forever