The Miracle of A Cake

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3 years ago

"The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. (Ps. 34:10)"

Do you believe in Miracles?

Many people even believers these days live in the believe that miraculous is of the past, and it is no longer for this day and age.

Oh how sad it is if the LORD hears this proclamation of some of HIS sons and daughters.

But here in our Food Bank that has journeyed in Malaysia for the past 7 years, we must say our survival is nothing of a miracle.

Just this cake for example, was already a miracle story itself.

We we have a really huge list of recipients, sometimes we may overlook tiny things.

But not God.

This recipient uncle's birthday was just this Sunday, and just the past Friday when we were heading towards our long time supporter and donor of our mission, The Sweetly Cake House , to get the usual extra baked loafs of bread and buns from them for the children centers and struggling families with kids, there was a very strong inclination of getting a cake from our donor.

And just so happened, there was one cake that was just set aside by the donor, with no specific reason, and was waiting for our rider to collect from them along with the bread.

When the cake arrived to our fridge to set aside before any of the centers to come to collect, we didn't want to give it to the usual rehab centers (where mostly they have someone who has a birthday of the month). Instead, we left it in the fridge.

24 hours later when our F.I.N (Friend in Need) volunteer came to help us on our newsletter displays at physical locations, she had to leave earlier than usual because she told us that she wanted to find ingredients to bake a cake for her father, who's one our recipient and just victoriously battled through cancer.

This is his cancer free birthday celebration.

Suddenly we remembered that there was a 500g cake in the fridge that wasn't distributed, and immediately we stopped her and offered her the cake instead of wasting money for ingredients to make one.

And to her surprise, she exclaimed.

"A chocolate cake?? That's exactly what I was thinking of making!"

This would have saved her a lot of money even for a cake mix. She has been struggling with mortgage bills and being a caretaker for her elderly parents with a salary cut ever since the pandemic happened.

When she cut the cake and showed me the photo, such immense joy filled our hearts!

IT IS A Chocolate cake! Double Choc even!

That is her father's favourite.

God prepared everything.

This truly reminded us the scripture above, those who seek the LORD lacks no good thing. Even as tiny as getting a cake for such a celebration was being taken cared by the LORD. Oh how faithful HE is for HIS mercy truly endures forever!

Time and time again the LORD has truly showed her father that Matthew 7:7-8 is real to him, and how much he is loved.

We were also very blessed to witness his salvation before the day he was hospitalised and later diagnosed with cancer, from his journey to surgery and his recovery after surgery for 100 days.

Now, with just a tiny little obedience allowing the Holy Spirit to tug our hearts, as a tiny issue as such of a one simple cake, brings us so much more assurance and faith that no matter how hard things can be especially trying times such as this in the year 2020, with HIS guidance, HIS provision and HIS protection, indeed nothing is to hard for our Heavenly Father.

We are just so grateful that HE chose to use us to be part of such a miraculous celebration.

We hope that this incident, just happened a few hours ago, becomes an inspiration and building faith to be bold to come to the Father for every minute thing. Nothing is too small nor too big for HIM.

“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30 (NLT)

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director

Disclosure: Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.

All our earnings here will be collected and geared towards additional expenses of the Food Bank, bridging the use of crypto into the real world needs.

We are also found in different other platforms such as FacebookInstagramHiveSteem and Publish0x for wider readership exposure.

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3 years ago
