Hello Everyone, Let Us Introduce Our Mission, Our Journey, One Family At a Time, and Why We are Here

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4 years ago

Ah.... Malaysia

This is the land where the people live to eat, surpasses eat to live.

You can even screen though tons of YouTube vlogs about travelers and locals showcasing the diverse food from tastes and beauty. Because of its multi-racial, multi-cultural big family communal lifestyle, Malaysia has been so blesse with abundant food that no one really noticed that there's any lack in terms of provision.

To the point, there are some who had this in mind...

"ah, if it is not nice, just leave it, you do not need to finish it"

Yes, I can personally attest that when you pass by a wet market or even behind a restaurant, you get to see all sorts of wastage in the garbage bin.

That's pure wastage. From a now spoiled nation.

All of this, came to a halt when the pandemic struck the land of Malaysia, one of the first country to had the highest infection rate in Covid-19, and fortunately, we have survived with around 1% overall death rate vs infection as per recorded on 1st October 2020.

This was during the city center lockdown where 2nd largest bread manufacturer, Massimo, stepped in to help providing 10,000 buns to locked down area

However just like any other country, this pandemic has caused so much economic disruption that more and more people are out of jobs, more and more families start to struggle to put food on the table.

Before the pandemic, There are at least 3.8% (registered number) of the local families in this country are earning below standard wage, and the percentage has now increased remarkably since March 2020 due to a full nationwide Movement Control Order took place.

During the time of abundance that was recorded 5 years back where Malaysia has 15,000 tons of food wasted daily; now, with the economy in a huge struggle of even spending further to sustain the economic flow especially food supply chain, even more wastage is surging, while more poor families struggle without food.

We hope to close the gap of the both through this new technology we embark into. With your support and your time reading our stories that we will be publishing here, all acquire funds in BCH gathered will assist to cover logistic fee and even purchase other basic raw food from merchants when our impact partners are unable to provide any extra aid for the under privileged families who are not only unable to keep working particularly for those who rely on daily wages, but also totally stranded from the still in placed Extended Recovery Movement Control Order.

Every month we have volunteers who will come together following the Standard Operations Procedures to pack for at least 200 under privileged and marginalized aboriginal families including refugees that are registered under our database with the help of our outreach teams who risk their lives sending food packs to even the deepest / furthest outskirts places so that at least for some time, these stranded families will not need to starve in the dark.

We truly hope that our stories will not only send an awareness of the assistance of struggling families, but also we hope that we can inspire locals all over the globe to not give up and lend a helping hand to one another.

There's a tag line in Malaysia that are widely used since the pandemic started:


Which means "we take care of one another" . I personally believe that this is a perfect tagline in such an unprecedented time such as this; and your support here is greatly appreciated.

We have been in the crypto blockchain space since 3 years ago. You can read one of our volunteer's introduction of us here at one of our latest tip for free page in Publish0x.

We also have our facebook page since 5 years ago, please feel free to visit and like our Facebook page to view the latest photos before we compile and publish here for your reading pleasure.

To visit our page, please click on the captured Facebook image.

Recently we also started our Instagram page to keep short stories up. If you have an Instagram account please feel free to visit us there too.

It will mean a lot to us with your support.

Yours truly

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director

Disclosure: Daily Bread Food Bank a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.

Sponsors of dbfoodbank

$ 0.94
$ 0.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Sitisan
Sponsors of dbfoodbank
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4 years ago


great article dear, i hope You will be able to share your further journey with all the readers here

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your visit. Yes, follow up with more stories here in the future

$ 0.00
4 years ago

welcome , please view my page

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's really great to see you here finally on this blockchain! I hope that you will continue to be able to share more of your journey here with all the readers. It's amazing to see all the hurdles faced and jump through all these years!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, we are finally here. It will take us a while to adjust our articles. It is a little hard to navigate the photos, but yes we will keep sharing our stories here. Thank you for inviting us!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am going to try and see if I can boost your stories later when I have more earnings!

$ 0.00
4 years ago