Earning and progress report from a beginner first two months in the crypto space.

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I started my journey into crypto two months ago. Covid broke out around the world. earlier in the year. So I thought earning passive income from crypto would be a good interest. Im in Melbourne Australia and we are in our second lock down which has spanned many months now.

I slowly discover different platforms as time went by. I learnt alot about a range of cryptocurrency. But still I'm very much at the bigger level.

Below is a list of my earning in the last two months from different platforms.

Hive - 1.61 = USD 2.66

PublishOX = BAT 3.42 ($0.77) LRC 4.15 ($0.88) ETH 0.0088090 ($3.30)

Total from Publishox = US 4.95

Read.cash = 0.02049 ($4.94) Bitcoincash

Brave browser = BAT 6.84 = ($1.54)

So total earning are $14.09

So some progress and a little bit of earning. But a good start to my journey.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder


Hi, i'm The Kragle from Publish0x...visiting you and wanted to say hi! =) upvoted and subscribed!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago