Bridges Instead of Walls

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Avatar for dauntless_marquess
2 years ago

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Joseph Newton quoted.

I was once a person who usually build walls instead of bridges, not until I discovered virtual platforms that enables me to break those walls which opened the door to get out from my comfort zone. Being on online platforms like this is quite a great opportunity for me, not only to earn money but also to ignite my passion in writing. It serves as my training ground to face my battles in real world, but not only that, I also consider it as my escape room from the cruelty of life that is sometimes trying to crash me down. Admittingly, I had joined lots of platforms in cyber world and one thing that I learned from all them is that, money can not make people stay but your connection to the community where you are engaged with will.

As a matter of fact, this is my first time engaging into blogging because what I usually create are like essays, poems and stories. But when I happened to enter into the realm of, I learned how to make one. On my first time in here, my sister, who invited me to try this website advised me to checkout in the community section and there, I witnessed different genres in writing. Basically, I learned so much from their pieces and articles since most of them were definitely informative as well and there are also works of exhortation that can be a light in your darkest moment. And as a first timer, I was so shy to comment to mingle with the others but I was motivated when I can perceive that people here are open and respectful on everyone's opinion.

The first community that I was able to join with is the Just Write and I am deeply fascinated on reading their remarkable masterpieces here. I can read some stories there and it is kind of amusing on how they weaved their words creatively, more importantly when the conflicts on their plots are timely issues prevalent these days. Also, I was able to spot some poems in there that actually plucked the whole lot of my heartstrings. Nevertheless, what really touched my heart is the fact that some of those works where based on real life experiences and I can see some pieces there in which certainly can make your heart cry especially when you can relate from them. But the best thing there is the knowledge on overcoming there hustles and bustles in life, and for me that is my kind of wisdom wherein you can keep in your heart and mind like a treasure.

So the next one is the Filipino Readers, since I am a Filipino this group swiftly piqued my interest like an adrenaline came by rushing along my veins that urged me to click the join button without even blinking. As soon as I joined the group, it never disappointed my expectations for it really is a fun and an enthralling community, kudos to my fellow Filipinos! Anyways, what I love about this community is that the writers here are very passionate enough to promote Filipino culture and traditions which can be a threshold to preserve, conserve and elevate more its value in our country despite of modernization and globalization– in which even if we don't want to, but will emerge and is literally happening today. Besides, there are also informative articles right here about the Philippines such as its history, current events, education, discoveries, foods, customs, religions and many more to share to foreign readers.

And the last one which is literally the last community that I engaged with is the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. I find this group really interesting since as we all know, cryptocurrency is pretty rampant nowadays when it comes to source of income mostly for millennials with the advent of technology. And it was surprising that I learned lots of things there and I was even enlightened already what blockchain really is. This can be one of the best ways for investment if people only know how to manage it and if they are being educated enough to venture in such kind of method. Great example of that is of course, our very own wherein your works or articles well be tipped and also your intereaction with other readers is being paid. Hence, all of us can attest that this platform has been evidently produced a massive help to many because if you can imagine, you can earn whenever and wherever you are at the four corners of the earth just by using your phone and making your own content. And I will forever be grateful that I became a member here and to the people behind this platform.

Notwithstanding, if I were to answer how important community engagement is in blogging. As you contemplate on the aforementioned above, engaging to different communities opens the haven to learning new things cause as a blogger you got to share new and interesting ideas to captivate readers and to express yourself with flaming passion. Engagements into different communities allows you to grow and rise to build your own community as well, because human as we are, we should not stop from learning and harnessing ourselves. Reading other writer's works and writing for them is a form of community engagement that creates a great impact on our daily living, transcending us to the deeper meaning of life. Thus, we have to encourage ourselves to engage into communities for us to build bridges instead of walls.

Photo not mine, credits to the rightful owner.




$ 0.32
$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.01 from @sanctuary.the-one-law
Avatar for dauntless_marquess
2 years ago


I was looking for the photo 😅.. You are new here but didn't see you interacting yet.. I hope you'll have a good stay here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can already view the pic miss, I already updated it. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

By the, I didn't see you interacting here and seems like you only posted article for this challenge... This is about community engagement.. Posting articles only doesn't count here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I actually posted a photo miss, isn't it visible? I'm sorry for the inconvenience 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes miss I'm just actually starting here I wasn't posting too much yet because of my hectic schedule but I've explored here silently, joining communities, and looking forward to interacting more and making more articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago