Digital art_2019. Moon Ghost
Hi friends!
On the eve of Halloween, I remembered my old drawing of mystical mood
Please don't ask me where I get such strange stories from - no artist will tell you about!))))
But an idea of drawing is a return one wandering moon ghost to his home, to ghost sity...
Sure I drew without one specific reference, only looked on some different photos to real draw a see and fantasy buildings
Drawing inĀ Paint Tool SAI 2
Choosing base colors of background and a moon
On this step I draw with Old Rough (to fill big areas)
and Oil Brist 2 (to blend a different colors)
Then I sketched a silhouettes of ghost and far coast.
Working with a moon ghost and with a city.
To draw clean lines, I use Ink Pen
Adding more stars on the sky, highlights from city and waves (with copy and blurred a copied layer)
Finally, I refine individual waves and highlights on buildings.
I also paint a colored reflection of a ghost in the water.
And made a color correction and sharping in Photoshop
Happy Halloween to everyone who observes this holiday!
This is really beautiful. I often wonder where you come up with such lovely ideas for your art