Land of Heaven trapped in the era of darkness
Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful country on the equator. Thousands of islands lie in the country. Nature is so beautiful, the produce is abundant, the soil is fertile, and the sun always emits its light in this country. Even the gods smiled when this land was created. Even Lord Vishnu said, "Among all the heavens, this land is the most beautiful paradise."
Many countries are jealous of the presence of this country because whatever is sown, it will grow easily. The culture in this country is very diverse and colorful. Many cultural events strengthen the brotherhood between humans and the universe. All beings live in harmony and peace. Because of the nobility of society and culture, the country became the center of dharma teachings. Many people from all over the world come to study dharma in this country.
As time goes by, a period of darkness approaches this heavenly land. The era of enlightenment had ended and was replaced by the age of darkness. Corruption is everywhere, people's money that should be used for education and health is stolen by the country's leaders. The people are now poor and fooled by the system. Incumbent leaders are thirsty for power and pleasure. None of the people's interests are being met.
Not only that, religion which is supposed to give peace and happiness has become a dirty political tool. The people were divided and pitted against each other based on religious differences. Minority groups are forced to submit to the majority in this country. Social inequality is very clearly visible in this country. Many people live in trash cans, while rulers and other corrupt people live in luxury in the palace.
Slums and poverty have become a common sight, especially in the capital city area. Because the country's leaders do not care, many problems cannot be solved, various kinds of crises continue to come to hit this country that is on the equator. It seems that the gods are casting relentless curses on this land, but the greedy leaders still don't see and hear about this catastrophe.
The capital city which is said to be drowned by the ocean, the air is not good to breathe, as well as global warming will devour the city full of greed. However, those irresponsible leaders will leave the big city. The poor and weak were left to face a terrible disaster.
The land that was once like a paradise filled with beauty and nobility of culture, is now trapped in a time of darkness. Conscience and a clear mind have been replaced by greed and hypocrisy. I do not know how long the dark period will end in this country. The land of heaven at the equator turned into a land of the terrible disaster. Hopefully, the country will find a leader who can turn the dark ages into the ages of enlightenment.
The lead image source by Unsplash
the gods cursed the heavenly land due to the greed of the rulers there. Hopefully the land of heaven can recover from the damage caused by the greed of the ruler