What a stressful day! Today I continue doing “OUR" captone project, I really do not know what to do, there's still wrong in our project and I don't know how to make it more effective. I wanna ask my groupmates but I know they'll just say they do not have any idea. While doing it, the DC motor suddenly stopped spinning and that made me cry! I tried everything just to fix that dc motor because that's the most important material in our project. I need to fix it because there's no dc motor in the hardware and I can't order online because the submission will be on May 12. At last, I asked my groupmates on what to do, one of them replied “what happened" and I answered “dc motor suddenly stopped spinning and I can't fix it" I also said that there's no dc motor on hardwares but they just seen it and didn't reply.

Today, I just realized that happiness and health are more important than Grades. When I was in Grade 7 to 10, what's important is my happiness, I'm always chill and I don't care about grades. I'm not putting efforts in any activity and in groupings I just did my part. But now, I put so much efforts and in our group activities, I almost did everything, from the idea, papers and even in our output but I just got stressed. I now hate being a leader. I wish I was still that person who only care about happiness. I'm sorry, I'm just stressed.

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@cxrxlxrts posted 3 years ago
