From the past days, I feel a bit lonely.
Maybe this is due to home sickness that I suddenly felt. This is actually the first time that I feel this way. I am used to living alone or away from my family but I never felt this too much sadness like before. I do miss my family back when I was living here to study, but not like this. Maybe because that time I still have a lot to worry like exams, lessons, requirements and everything related to school and to me as a person that's why I am distracted. But now that I am away from them again since I need to fix some papers for my graduation, I miss them more because I don't have anything acad related to think of. As soon as I finish what I have to accomplish, I go straight at my boarding house and spend the rest of the day here. I have a roommate who is my friend but her house is just an hour away via jeepney so she come home once in a while and I was left alone.
No acad related problems for now but having some "adulting" thoughts. You know, the urge to help with the family more like finding jobs and stuffs. Also, it is really tru that living alone is costly most especially when you can't cook your own food. Because food sold outside is really pricey huhu, it's difficult to budget your money. I can't save my earnings here and nc because I use it as my budget for my daily expenses.
There are pros of living alone too. I have the opportunity to learn more things and the chores are less hahaha
I got a chance to just think about life and enjoy every ray of sunshine that peaks at our window every morning or even the rain who wants us to wake up through entering our window that's often open.
Even I have a tight budget, I still try to reward myself with food. Because I want to treat myself from time to time as a form of appreciation for doing small or extra effort every single day.
But I discipline myself not to treat me too much to the point of spoiling myself hahah. That's a different thing.
I miss my family so much and the fact that dad will not be at home anymore made my longing even hard to handle. I miss my Brethrens there too.
Good thing God still give me ways to stay put and hanging on. The moon is really pretty. I hope most of you witnessed it's full moon beauty. This helped me calm a little at I stare at it and silently admired it.
I hope I can go home next week hehe
Thanks for visiting this lonely ghost's article mwehe
Yes, it's true that when you are far away from your family for too long, it results in sadness, I also cannot live alone it will be too quiet. Having company with you is great when you are living.