Which burger would you choose - Why you should care about cryptocurrencies

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2 years ago

Imagine there are two burgers, both of them are exactly the same. They look the same, they taste the same. There is only one difference if you eat one of them you support wars, theft and the death of innocent people including babies but if you eat the other one honest work gets rewarded and you help bring peace and prosperity to the whole world.

Now, which burger would you choose?

The answer is obvious, right? Most of you would choose the burger that doesn't facilitate stealing and wars. But what if I tell you, You are eating the burger that helps wage wars, kills innocent people and plunders the wealth of entire nations. As a matter of fact, you do it every single day, with every burger you eat, every essential item you buy and every single purchase you make with government-issued fiat currency.

Confused? Let me explain. The choice is not between two burgers, there are no two burgers. The choice of payment you make to buy the burger makes all the difference. I will explain why buying a burger with the US dollar or the Euro feeds a different reality compared to buying a burger with a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin cash.

A short explanation of how the fiat currency scam works

Centuries before, the markets were using precious metals like gold and silver in exchange for goods of value. Due to the physical nature of gold and silver, merchants stored gold and silver in a vault and traded the vault receipts instead of physical gold and silver for ease of use. This practice gave rise to a new problem. Since the receipt of the vault operator is considered as good as gold, the vault operators can print as many receipts as they like and exchange them for things of value and print they did.

The vault operators have found a way to leverage their trust to print unlimited amounts of free money for themselves. This practice was very common and whenever people try to claim all the gold from the vault, the vault operator will go bust. These were the exit scams before the digital age.

This practice was so common and these vaults were essential parts to facilitate easy commerce, the governments needed to do something. Instead of ending this criminal practice, the government regulated it by limiting the number of extra receipts the vault operators can print. This system is called the fractional reserve system.

Eventually, every custodian who issues gold receipts resorts to a similar course of action. The governments are no different. Long story short, government-issued currencies used to have gold reserves in the vault. This reserve requirement was completely eliminated by then US President Richard Nixon in 1971. Since the US dollar was the world reserve currency at that time, every currency in the world was disconnected from gold at the same time.

Now wait! let that sink in for a minute. Do you realize what just happened? People were trading gold receipts one day and they are trading paper as if they are gold receipts the next day. This enabled the governments to print as many currency units as they want.

Do you realize the depth of the issue? While you have to work day in and day out all your life to earn those papers, someone else can just print them and buy stuff in the market because everyone in the market believes those papers are legitimate money. It feels so real because everyone else believes in the same scam.

The problems cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin cash fixes

As you may have realized by now, A fiat currency system comes with its inherent problems. We will take a look into some of the problems of the fiat money paradigm and how cryptocurrencies fix these problems.

Theft by inflation

As a result of government money printing, the price of goods and services increases. It is a simple concept, you made $100 by working and someone else made $500 by just printing it. When they use that $500 to buy the same stuff as you want. You are at a disadvantage because your money is worthless because now there is $500 in circulation which is created out of nowhere.

Everyone working to earn their living is at a disadvantage because of government money printing and the resulting inflation. Cryptocurrencies don't have this problem because every project has a transparent supply. For example, Bitcoin cash has a maximum supply of 21 million coins and new coins enter circulation in a predictable manner. When you hold a certain amount of Bitcoin cash, you can be sure that your coins cannot be diluted by a sudden increase in supply.

Power over the powerless

When one very small portion of the population can get currency for free and others have to work hard to make a living, the minority that gets free money gains enormous power over those who have to work for a living. These elites can use that currency to make people do things that might not be possible if the elites can only spend what they earn.

Endless wars

When the governments want to wage war for some special interest, if they don't have the tool of money printing, they have to collect the funds from the people. You as a citizen have to give your hard-earned money to your government to bomb a country that you have nothing to do with. How many working-class people do you think will be happy to pay for such a system out of their pocket. War is not feasible if the governments have to rely on everyone giving their hard-earned money, people will soon realize it is a destructive activity. Therefore wars are funded by government money printing.

If everyone is using a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin cash, governments or anybody for that matter cannot print more units of bitcoin cash. Everyone can only spend what they earn. This limits the government's ability to wage wars thus enabling peace all over the world.

Decaying rights

When the government can print money, they can create any number of government agencies and pay them to encroach more and more on individual's civil liberties. By working for the government-issued fiat, an individual is adding more fuel and legitimacy to the very system that is enslaving him more and more every day.

Honest marketplace vs fantasy

A trade is a beautiful thing, humans started from caves and ended up in highrise buildings because of our ability to trade. When the marketplace has a mix of earned money and free fantasy money. It distorts a lot of market signals. Only when market participants are trading in an environment that is free from the fake injection of currency, the transactions occurring in the marketplace can be considered legitimate and meaningful.

Central banks were necessary but not any more

This evil system managed to thrive for thousands of years because everyone needed a common trusted third party for frictionless transactions but not anymore. The eventual betrayal of trust by the trusted third party is baked in the cake but humans always went to a different trusted third party hoping that this time it will be different. This curse of humanity is gone with the invention of Bitcoin (Cash).

This time it is different because this time the trusted third party is not an entity but a system. Humanity didn't have such a system to come to a consensus without a central authority before but now there is. Now it is time to throw out the central banks because they are no longer necessary. It is time to build back better. It is time to build a new world order under which every participant is treated the same and with no special rights.

Choose the right burger

If everyone started working for Bitcoin cash and started buying stuff only with Bitcoin cash today, all the wars, pandemics and special interests would disappear overnight. Most exchanges taking place in the market would be honest work where both parties in the trade gain more from the transaction.

Remember, every time you choose to pay with fiat when there is a choice to pay with Bitcoin Cash. You are choosing war and suffering over peace and prosperity. You are signaling your choice to the marketplace. So, start paying with Bitcoin Cash or any decentralized cryptocurrency wherever possible. Start requesting your merchants to accept Bitcoin Cash. Educate as many people as you can. All of us have something to gain from a peaceful and prosperous world that is free from manipulations by fake power structures.

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2 years ago


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