Teach them how to Fish.

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2 years ago

No doubt, most of us have siblings and close friends in which we help out every now and then. We do this with the money we make from readcash and/or noisecash. We also know many that their lives are not really going the way they planned, hence they are struggling financially.

We feel for them, and want to help them. However instead of just giving them cash, why not teach them how to make the money themselves? Yes you must have gotten the point I'm driving at.

Ask yourself: "How many if my siblings, family members and friends have I invited to join the blogging community?" Some of us have done justice to that, while it seems to always escape the minds of others. Admittedly, I am also guilty of the later.

I have a junior sister in the university, and sometimes I send her tokens to take care of herself. But then it occurred to me, instead of giving her fish, what if I teach her how to fish so that she can fend for herself?

I called her last week and told her how she can be making side income by writing articles. I explained to her that there is a high chance for her to earn enough and she would not need to depend on anyone for anything.

It was not as easy as I thought though. She gave the common complain that she is not really good at writing. Of course, no one is good at writing at first. It's a skill we all learn as we try. If she is willing learn and get started, then she will get enough tutorials that will help her along the way.

However, it seems she was used to receiving 'fish' as it were. I told her to try before giving up, it's what I'm doing and I enjoy it. If she does not, then she can quit and find something else.

She created an account yesterday and is working through her first article.

Charity, they say begins at home. If you know you are getting value out of any platform you should invite them to join. Whether they depend on you sometimes or not, you should give them the opportunity to benefit.

However, readcash is different from just any earning platform. Therefore you have to take your time to explain to them all there is to know. They should not start with the intention of making money, as that will backfire. They have to display what they can offer to the community, how others can benefit from their articles. If they are doing it the right way, they will certainly see positive results.

Please don't force anyone, they should make decision themselves. And while some have started and are at it already, they may realize that it's not for them and they are not enjoying their time here. It's okay for them to find their passion elsewhere.

But the point is, extend them the opportunity to become members here. Whether they grab the invitation and make the best use of it is out of your control. But do your own part nonetheless.

I believe many people have done Thier best in this regard. I know some members that are couples here, I know some that have their siblings here and I know one parent with his matured son on the platform. You are all doing well. For those that need to put in a little more work, please do.

This will benefit you in the following ways:

  1. You help them develop their writing skills.

  2. You will be relieved financially.

  3. You will experience the thrill and joy of relating with each other outside the physical family circle.

  4. You will be proud and happy seeing them improving in their contents and earnings....and many more.

Let us all try our best in creating awareness about readcash and noisecash. In this way we are also creating more awareness about Bitcoin cash and improving it's adoption.

$ 0.74
$ 0.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @JLoberiza
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
+ 2
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2 years ago


The problem is most people prefer to be handed little piece of fish, instead of learning how to fish themselves. But we shouldn't get tired of trying to persuade them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If such ones won't change their thinking then it's their loss. Surely there are others that will happily embrace such opportunity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago