You’re So Old! Must Be Time for You to Die. (An Opinion Piece)

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2 years ago

When I was a child I heard a man utter what he said was an old Irish proverb. “You begin to die the moment you’re born.” While there is truth in that proverb it seems morbid to view the precious gift of life in that manner. Don’t you think so?

There are so many interesting weird and strange questions people ask when it comes to life and death. Questions that I would never think to ask. Here’s an example.

When do you know you’re old enough to die?

Considering that death does not discriminate. Considering that the good die young, the unborn die, and anyone who is living knows that one day they will die … why would you ask that question? As if death and old age are inextricably connected and when you reach a certain age YOU NEED TO DECIDE that’s it’s time to die.

Amanda Jones was 109 when she voted in the presidential election that resulted in Barack Obama becoming POTUS (President of the United States). Imagine if when she reached age 108 that she decided it was time for her to die. She died one year later, after the election, at the age of 110.

"Amanda Jones’ life touched three centuries, during which she worked as a maid and a stay-at-home mother of 10 with deep religious faith, Baker* said. Jones had voted actively for more than 70 years, even when it meant picking cotton to save money to pay a poll tax." Quote Source

Reports of her death indicate that Ms. Jones passed away peacefully in her sleep.

(*Brenda Baker is the granddaughter of Amanda Jones.)

Barbara Ehrenreich, is a woman who holds a PhD in cellular immunology and who decided when she was in her 70s that she was old enough to die. She was interviewed by Lucy Rock and the article was published in The Guardian. Ms. Ehrenreich thinks that “there’s an age at which death no longer requires much explanation”. Based on her research, she advises not to bother visiting doctors who recommend medical tests, treatments or preventative medicine, etc. as if they can do anything that will prolong your life. My understanding of what Doctor Ehrenreich is advising that it is likely that many doctors are just making merchandise out of you.

In my humble opinion, I do have to say that I agree with her about her research leading her to the conclusion that the US health and wellness industry generates billions of dollars. I have always thought and said “Healthcare is Big Business.”

But I should also say that Ms. Ehrenreich was diagnosed with breast cancer. Some may feel it’s a material or relevant fact and for me not to mention it would be a significant omission.

Basically, Ms. Ehrenreich decided that since she was already old and might die soon anyway, why spend a lot of money on getting medical treatment? It's probably not going to make her live any longer. Anyway! Her body may not be sound, she still had her sound mind. Clearly thinking the matter through, she made her decision!

At first, I thought the question was odd ~ “When do you know you’re old enough to die?” ~ but in the end, after reading the interview where Ms. Ehrenreich expressed her thoughts and views, I agree with her advice.

Do you agree with Ms. Ehrenreich?

(NOTE: As of October 2021, she is still alive and she is 80 years old.)

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Rock, Lucy. “When Do You Know You’re Old Enough to Die? Barbara Ehrenreich Has Some Answers. ~ The Guardian”, Guardian News and Media, 7 Apr. 2018,

Gardner, Geoffrey. “109-Year-Old Daughter of Slave Votes Obama. ~ NPR”, National Public Radio, Inc., 31 Oct. 2008,

“Slave’s Daughter Who Voted for Barack Obama Dies Aged 110. ~ The Telegraph”, Telegraph Media Group, 19 Dec. 2008,

* * *

Originally published at on June 5, 2019.

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2 years ago


bueno hay un viejo dicho que reza " un dia mas pero tambien un dia menos " que considero que es cierto , recien acabo de publicar mi primer articulo por favor si le puedes dar vistazo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand her but I don’t completely agree. There is always a chance to survive and help yourself. I would pay medicine help and treatment with hope that I will make my life longer, but one day when I will be old, it's probably that I will think like her.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is a difficult decision. Some people might accuse her of committing a "slow suicide". But I guess at age 70, she had no regrets about the life she had lived and accepted that she did not want to spend money on the medicine and the treatments. I know some people 80 and even 90 years old who will submit to surgery if the doctor tells them there is HOPE!

There are those who want to live to be 100. I'm in my 60s and so far I have enjoyed good health. I think if I were experiencing pain though, I might go ahead and pay for the medicine or treatment. Not because I want to live longer but because I don't want to be in pain all the time.

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2 years ago