Why I am Happy to Call Texas USA My Home

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Texas, Travel, Lifestyle, Life, Blogging, ...

I'm not from Texas. I'm was born and raised in Florida. When I moved to Texas, my kids had to learn Texas history and I learned a little bit from helping them with their homework.

Stephen F. Austin, the guy who the state's capitol is named for, is called the “Father of Texas”. But he's not actually from Texas. Neither are former presidents, George Bush, the father and the son. If you peruse the history of this state you'll find that quite a few of this state's famous historical figures are not native-born Texans. They relocated from other parts of America.

At one time, there was a brew haha over renaming the state's capitol. It seems Mr. Austin supported slavery and some folks don't think he should be honored as if he was such an honorable man. I agree. But since 2020, we have had so much going on in the USA right now, nobody has time to “split hairs” over this. There was an article published on this topic in the New York Times in 2018. It was very eye-opening. I'm pretty sure they didn't teach my kids about this in their history classes.

6 flags have flown over Texas. At one time, Texas was even its own country. Had its own flag, a president, and everything. It was called the Republic of Texas. Texas even has its own Independence Day; March 2nd, since 1836; and its own Emancipation Day, known as Juneteenth, June 19, 1865, the date the slaves in Texas learned they had been freed (2 years AFTER President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863).

Every now and then, whenever Texans have a strong disagreement with their political officials, I notice they like to threaten with secession; saying they will secede from The Union! Yeah right. They're just blowing hot air. They know they won't do that! Break away from the United States and uuuhhh … who's going to defend us? Even if the state does secede, the people would still need the USA as an ally, and rely on their miliary might. So they might as well not babble any of that secession nonsense!

There is a lot about the state of Texas that I don't like. But there is also a lot about America that I don't like. Or I should say that: I am not satisfied. But there is no other place on the planet that I would prefer to live. If I move, it will be if some unforeseen drastic event occurred that forced me to leave.

  • I have lived in Houston, El Paso, and currently reside in Austin.

  • I have visited or I have driven or rode a bus through through the cities of San Antonio, Dallas, Midland/Odessa, Abilene, and Pecos.

  • I have done research and written articles about: Greenville, Corsicana, Athens, and Grapevine.

  • I have worked for the State of Texas, and the City of Austin. My coworkers and supervisors were fine people!

  • To keep up with Texas happenings, I occasionally read Texas Monthly newsletters.

Overall, if anyone asked me, I'd say Texas is a great state and even though I was not born here, I'm content to claim it as my permanent home.


“Stephen Austin.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/biography/Stephen-Austin.

“Giants of Texas History.” TSLAC, Texas State Library and Archives Foundation, Inc., www.tsl.texas.gov/treasures/giants/index.html.

Haag, Matthew. “Stephen F. Austin Defended Slavery. Should the Texas Capital Be Renamed?” The New York Times, The New York Times Company, 31 July 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/us/stephen-f-austin-renaming.html.

Hessong, Athena. “The Road to the Texas Capital: How Austin Became the State Capital.” Texas Hill Country, 30 August 2017, texashillcountry.com/austin-became-texas-capital.

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
Topics: Texas, Travel, Lifestyle, Life, Blogging, ...


It doesn't matter where you came from, as long as you feel at home in the place you're staying, it's fine because the most wonderful feeling is being comfortable.

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3 years ago

i have a cousin who married someone from texas... i have never been in the US

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3 years ago