Whoever angers you controls you !

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2 years ago

Anyone affecting us in any form or another may easily control us if they want.

Especially when they could anger us. It's one of the strongest feelings people can ever get. So, there will be for sure people who will use that to achieve their purpose. We shouldn't let them do so. We should control that anger. And right when we feel it, we stop ourselves and redirect that energy to show the person who angers us, that we are not angry at all. And that what makes him/her angrier. You feel in this situation that you are powerful and he/she is a fool. And it's an awesome feeling of winning your anger. You kind of control it and redirect it and such person will never anger you again.

And remember that there are people who enjoy making others angry. They are kind of energetic vampires. They need to satisfy that need. Because they are slaves to that negative power. And the more we get angry because of them, the more power they'll have. Instead of that we can transform that power into sharing the truth and spreading peace. Instead, we can explain to others how freedom is important and how through anger they may lose that freedom. Because if we don't control the anger, we may do really stupid things that can be never recovered. We may pay really expensive for our anger !

For that reason, don't let those who anger us control us. We may control them by knowing their weakness. We may control them by not letting them push us to do the wrong things. Don't let them push anyone to do the wrong things. For example look at some crazy protests with violence and destruction. Do you think that's helping anyhow to make the situation better ? I know that the force is mostly treated with the anti-force. But if that anti-force is used with wisdom, cleverness and caution, the result will be much better. We have a great tool and that's the blockchain where the information can be stored forever. So, let's use this opportunity to share our truth instead of making the anger our weakness.

This is appliable to all people who surround us. Not only politically, but even our surrounding because politics now is everywhere !

And we should remember that if we don't know how to control ourselves, we will never learn how to control the situation in the world. We should be powerful, because each one of us is his/her own lower, journalist, and responsible for the game outcome.

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2 years ago
