Not nice comment from a bad person !

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1 year ago
Topics: Russian, Russia, RU, Putin, Life, ...

This is what I will do from now. I will share all the comments I'm getting from the web. Aren't we just writing here ?

That comment was from someone who wrote that under my following video :

In the video I just talked about how I like the Russian language. And that's the language and the culture will leave. And someone from youtube who watched that wrote what he thinks. I will not delete that comment and leave it for the record. He/she has the right to write what ever he/she wants, I have the right to react the way I want. ☺

I just asked him where he is from. Let's see what he/she will reply.

And the same is happening to all Russians around the world, in every social media. People are angry at as just for being Russians, or living in Russia. The mass media is telling them that we are, regular people are the one to blame for everything. And they are like zombies attacking every Russian, even if he/she talks something not related at all with politics.

The same is happening with this lady :

She said in one of her videos that she was told that she is a criminal because she keeps living in Russia. Imagine that. Watch in the begging in of the video how she said :

During the last months I recieved so many threats to stop my channel about the criminal culture. But I'm just continuing to share life of regular people, like me, and our culture. And I want to show you that not all Russia is evil as many of you think. And maybe this video will help you to understand the so-called mystirous Russian soul. I'm also still trying to understand it, because many things that I will be talking about have no logic at all, but we simply have them in Russia.

And she has a big group of people from all around the world who were just learning Russian language all the time. They like the language, the culture and Russian people they met in their lives.

Here is another one talking about the hate toward Russians. She is right about not pretending that nothing is happening. She is right that it's not a game of politicians anymore. People are just not letting themselves think. They just hate. And she said in the video that she never supported the government, and it's all because of the media. She is so surprised of the media telling people that most Russians are supporting this. She is right about many people who never even visited another country and they only care about their regular people.

Anyway, I'm glad Russian people start talking. Even in youtube. People are hurt. They are psychologically attacked. The culture is under attack. Just like she said that Russia is not the Russian government. It's not true that most Russians are supporting what's going on.

I will do everything to keep supporting this people. I'm Russian, and I'm proud of being Russian. If you have a problem with that, it's your problem, but not mine !

Discrimination is not good ! You always talked about that, why it's ok to discriminate to Russians. The girl is crying, and I have tears in my eyes as well. I cry as well even being a 37 years old man ! Hear her crying. She is young. She can't even stop that.

It's not about politicians anymore. People are hating each other. And the media is working very well to make that hate even bigger.

They keep dividing and conquering.

Stop buying that please !

$ 0.73
$ 0.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago
Topics: Russian, Russia, RU, Putin, Life, ...


It's bad to just hate people without any cause...nobody should be stereotyped and called evil when they have done nothing wrong.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's for sure !

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Russian people are just being sandwich in the situation and people should not discriminate just because you guys are Russian.. same thing happen when COVID-19 spreading people hating Chinese.. I believe majority in Russia are also innocent like a normal citizen.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For sure. We are even victims of those sanctions as I always write. Because those will not hurt politicians, but regular people. Politicians are already living a great life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly, any country citizens isn't bad.. it's always those greedy politicians. Hope you guys stay strong 💪

$ 0.00
1 year ago