"i know"

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You'll always be beautiful in my eyes

you're my melody in disguise,

I said i love you but i lied

this is more than love that i felt inside.

I just want to be with you, baby

in this world full of insincerity

i'll be the truth with no falsity

and you'll be locked in my custody.

I know i'll never love this way again

"once upon a time" it's our the end

you know i'll never love you like i used to do

but trust me when i say "i love you"

I want to be the one who holds my hand

i want to be your favorite woman

i know you'll never understand

that i'm not capable to be your woman.

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Amaaazinngg! Keeeep it up! 😇 We are looking forward for your new works. 😇😍

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4 years ago