Trust Wallet Airdrops
Before I dont understand about airdrops. I just keep them ignoring until I found out that it the easy way to get airdrops. And that just following the instruction of the task. But I still waiting the month that they will release and unlock the airdrops. And it will be on April 22 this year. I dont know if im just excited or not to expect much. Because I always thinking what if this is not true. They just send nothing and waiting for nothing. Just hoping that it will come true. Because some are saying that we just wait until they release the payment into our wallet. Some people saying you will got nothing. So disappointed to tell if it will not true. Hopefully that they will not ignore our effort to do thier task given.
Is there someone know about airdrops and explain to me everything. Im so doubtful about it. But Im so hopeful.
I thank you if you can explain everything about it.