Panic… carcinogenic in the house

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Avatar for ceky321
4 years ago

We protect our health and to reduce the risk of cancer, we avoid smoking, excessive alcohol or sunbathing in the solarium.

And we may not be aware that there is a whole range of products around us, those that we do laundry, smear on our face or varnish our nails, freshen the air, and that contain chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic.

Changes in cellular DNA can lead to cancer. These changes can be hereditary or occur as a result of the choice of the way we live, the pollution or the products we are exposed to at work or at home. Even if they do not directly alter DNA, carcinogens can affect cells in a way that later leads to problems.

If we use products that contain carcinogens occasionally, the chances of something happening are minimal, but if their use is frequent, the risk is high. Not all carcinogens have the same potency, exposure to some is particularly harmful.

And if you have cancer in your family, the risk can be very high. You need to feel safe in your home so take a look at some of the following things and consider eliminating them.

1. Air fresheners

If your home has some bad smell, you might reach for air fresheners. A 2008 study tested 6 such products for harmful substances. Five of them had one or more carcinogenic chemicals. There are over 20 harmful components in one air freshener that we plug into the electricity to gently release the smell, seven of them are poisonous. Fragrance products do not have to have a label with a list of ingredients, so you need to be careful about the risk you are exposing yourself to.

2. Cleaning products

Products that keep our home clean can contain carcinogenic substances. A large number of products can harm the respiratory system, out of 2,500 products over a quarter have carcinogenic ingredients, according to a study in America conducted by The Environmental Working Group.

If you want to know exactly what these products contain, it could be difficult, not all ingredients are written on the labels. It is best to look for eco friendly or green products, though, you still need to be careful as they too can be harmful and contain carcinogenic ingredients.

3. Odor softeners in dryer sheets

Thanks to these sheets, the laundry comes out of the dryer soft and fragrant. However, the smell in them can pose a health risk because the toxins from the leaves pass to the clothes and thus to our skin.

The same environmental group tested 25 scented household products. Half of the products had at least one carcinogenic ingredient. The problem is even bigger because a lot of products do not say exactly what they contain.

4. Pesticides

If you have trouble growing fruits and vegetables in your garden, due to weeds, insects or small animals, you are probably using some pesticides to help grow and repel pests. Pesticides are carcinogenic. An increasing number of studies find evidence that pesticides increase the risk of cancer.

It is not known exactly which ingredients pose a risk, but some chemicals like glyphosate are a common ingredient in pesticides. For WHO glyphosate, the World Health Organization considers it likely to be carcinogenic, and the European Food Safety Authority thinks otherwise. Glyphosate, of course, affects hormone balance. If you choose to use pesticides in growing your fruits or vegetables, at least make sure they don’t touch your skin.

5. Food colors

Every processed food, beverage, vitamin, or dietary supplement contains artificial colors. Studies have shown that 9 types of dyes used in the diet can be carcinogenic. Since 1955, the use of paint has increased fivefold.

Some of the food colors are not dangerous to humans, but some scientists think they have no place in food. A lot of research is still needed to establish how colors affect people, but in the meantime it might be wise to avoid them.

6. Collar against pests for pets

You don’t clean the house with this product, but if you have a pet that you walk outside, it certainly has this necklace. The two chemicals it contains can be carcinogenic, propoxur and tetrachlorovinphos. Not only do they potentially cause cancer but they can also cause neurological damage in children.

After two weeks of carrying, pets can have harmful levels of these chemicals on their fur. This is dangerous for children who often come in contact with furry pets. The study was small, only 9 dogs and five cats were tested, so more testing is needed to assess exactly how dangerous they are.

7. Wet creams

Moisturizing the skin daily is good for care. A lot of face creams contain parabens, proven carcinogenic chemicals. These common condoms are used in liquid powders, creams, and anti-aging products. Parabens prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in products.

The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has declared these chemicals the first substance to disturb the endocrine balance. This can potentially cause tumors and other disorders. Parabens have been detected in breast tumors. According to WebMD, parabens affect estrogen, and too much estrogen can stimulate tumor growth

8. Laundry detergents

We have to wash clothes, and detergents probably have the chemical 1.4 dioxane, which is not only found in detergents. It is found in car coolants, cosmetics, bath products and even in the air we breathe. Studies show that animals exposed to this chemical are more likely to develop tumors during their lifetime.

There is little information on how people react to exposure to 1.4 dioxane during their lifetime, but the chemical is considered carcinogenic. The Huffington Post writes that drinking water is one of the biggest sources where we are exposed to this chemical. So, its complete avoidance is completely impossible.

9. Nail polish

Men may not need to worry about this. Women who like varnished nails might have to rethink what they use. Many nail polishes contain formaldehyde, which increases the risk of cancer.

Formaldehyde is also present in disinfectants used in manicure and pedicure salons, so the risk is even higher if you do not paint your nails yourself. At great risk are those who work in an industry that uses formaldehyde, and going to a hand and foot care salon occasionally will not do any harm.

10. Scented candles

If your favorite way to remove bad odors in your home is by lighting scented candles, it can be detrimental to your health. Some studies show an increased risk in children whose parents used to light candles during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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$ 1.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ceky321
4 years ago


Carcenogenic cells are presents every persons body.Just they are inactive for now but can activated any time. Changes in cellular DNA can lead to cancer. These changes can be hereditary or occur as a result of the choice of the way we live, the pollution or the products we are exposed to at work or at home. Even if they do not directly alter DNA, carcinogens can affect cells in a way that later leads to problems.

If we use products that contain carcinogens occasionally, the chances of something happening are minimal, but if their use is frequent, the risk is high. Not all carcinogens have the same potency, exposure to some is particularly harmful. Thanks for this nice explanation!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

All that we are using is carcinogenic, the toothpaste is one, but there's nothing we can do, we have to brush our teeth, if not no one will talk to you. We can evade the toothpaste by being natural, use the guava twig in cleaning our teeth but that is not enough if we are used in using the toothbrush with toothpaste cleaning all the inside of our mouth, or better use the salt than toothpaste, but still there was no refreshing smell, as we used to have after brushing with toothpaste. It is difficult to eradicate what we are used to, to go back in the old days of being simple with no chemicals.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

More and more dentists are warning about the harmful ingredients found in toothpastes sold in regular stores, but people do not seem to take these warnings seriously. Sodium lauryl sulfate is one of the compounds used to keep the ingredients in toothpaste connected and to make it easier to apply, and is used in about 85 percent of toothpastes on the market. This chemical also causes small cracks in the dental cavity, which contributes to the development of chronic ulcers, and also contributes to the formation of numerous infections because toxins, food, etc. can get into the wounds. Furthermore, the ubiquitous chemical in toothpaste is Triclosan, which has been withdrawn as a carcinogen for years and is banned in toothpastes in the United States, but manufacturers insist that it is not dangerous in small quantities.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What is a carcinogens by the way? Why is it in the air fresheners, cleaning products, detergents? What does carcinogens can do to this products? It would not be put as ingredient to these products just to harm people right?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long-term medical research is establishing an increasing list of hazardous substances and industrial processes that are thought to cause cancer in humans. These substances are known as "carcinogens" and are subject to special controls and supervision.

As the list of known carcinogens grows steadily, it is best to assume that all chemicals are potentially hazardous and treat them equally with care. It is unlikely that you will encounter carcinogens in hazardous concentrations, However, keep in mind that some carcinogens are produced in industrial processes

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Čuvamo svoje zdravlje i da bi smanjili rizik od nastanka karcinoma, izbjegavamo pušenje, pretjeranu količinu alkohola ili sunčanje u solariju. A možda nismo svjesni da je oko nas cijeli niz proizvoda, onih kojima peremo rublje, mažemo lice ili lakiramo nokte, osvježavamo zrak, a koji sadrže kemikalije za koje se zna da su kancerogene.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tu ste u pravu zdravlje je najbitnije i nema te cjene kako ga sačuvati. Karcinogene tvari mogu biti štetne bez obzira na to jesu li u dodir s tijelom došle udisanjem, gutanjem ili preko kože. Stoga je iznimno važno izbjegavati svaki izravan kontakt s tim tvarima.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Milan napisao post... hah.. bravo za komentar. Pozdrav za Ceky-ja.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

uh velika tema za diskusiju, kao prvo moram apsolutno upovrgnuti stavku broj jedan koja se odnosi na osvezivace vazduha, posto sam se tima bevio dobrih 15 godina zivota veoma uspesno kao prvo tu se mora razlikovati sam miris od njegovog nosaca miris je po hemijskom sastavu najobicniji estar, koji je prirodno prisutan u svim zivim bicima kako u biljnom tako i u zivotinjskom svetu, bukvalno svaki miris koji dolazi od zivih organizama a koji ih karakterise je u stvari estar, e sad tu dolazimo do moguceg problema kada suosvezivaci prostora u pitanju. Sam miris je veoma skup jer ga je tesko napraviti ili izdvojiti iz prirode. Jos jedna zabluda je deliti stvarina prirodne i vestacke na nacin nakoji ga razume obican svet. Ne postoji razlika izmedju bilo kog molekula koji je nastao u prirodi i onog koji je nastao u laboratoriji, tako da ne postoji razlika u njegovom korisnom ili stetnom dejstvu. e sad dolazim do sustine, da bi covek osetio miris bukvalno je potrebnmo da na njegove receptore u nosu padne 3 do 5 molekula mirisa, sve preko toga nema nikakgvog smisla. Iz tog razloga a i iz razloga cene u sam miris se dodaju takozvani punioci i nosaci koji su neutrali a sluze da naprave takav rastvor da se ti molekuli mirisa oslobadjaju postepeno i da budu dugotrajni. u zavisnosti od obraza proizvodjaca kao i od regulativa tu moze doci do upotrebe razlicitih nepozeljnih supstanci, ali opet pitanje je i same koncentracije tih supstanci, sto je jos vece filozofiranje na temu. Na zalost obican covek nije dovoljno informisan sta i kako deluje, pa vlada fama da su sve takve materije stetne. Na primer ja sam u mojim mirisima koji su bili za industrijsku upotrebu koristio di propil glikol , kad mu procitas ima i jos kad mu vidis oznaku digne ti se kosa na glavi, a u stvari to je jedna apsolutno neisparljiva materija koja je sluzila da sto duze zadrzi one gore pomenute estre da ne pobegnu sa povrsine u kratkom vrmenskom roku. Kao drugo osvrnuo bih se na boju za kolace, i tu vlada velika zabluda da su sve boje stetne, na primer prirodna zuta boja u prehrambenoj industriji se dobiha od cveta nevena, neke crvene varijante su iz cvekle, prljavo zuta i narandzasta se dobijaju iz sargarepe i tako dalje. Problem je sto zbog nomenklature samoh hemijskih molekula moraju nositi one nama strasne oznake poput E250 i sl... caki svi vitamini imaju te oznake zbog prehrambene industrije. Neretko mi u posed dodje tabela sa hemijskim sastvaom jabuke koju si mozda mogao naci na fejsu, i kad krenes da citas ono a da pri tom ne znas sta je u pitanju nikada se ne bi odlucio da to pojedes. Bas si mi dao dobru ideju da potrazim to i da ti prosledim

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sam miris je vrlo skup jer ga je teško napraviti ili izdvojiti iz prirode

Milane jako opširno obrazloženje s kojim se slažem da nije prirodni miris opasan ali i sam si rekao da da je veoma skup i da ga je teško izdvojiti iz prirode . E tu po mome mišljenju dolazi do opasnosti jer mnogi proizvođaći u te osvježivaće ugrađuju mnoge komponente koje mogu biti opasne za zdravlje. Što se tiće boje za kolaće slažem se da sve dobivene boje od prirodnih biljaka su zdrave ali ta tema je i za naučnike još neistražena

$ 0.00
4 years ago

manje vise sve su to pigmenti iz biljaka, koje mozemo videti na laticama cveca ili na liscu kad krene da menja boju od zelene ka crvenoj i zutoj, tema o kojoj jako puno znam i mogao bih da trabunjam do duboko u noc ali uzivo u nekoj lepoj basti ovako dok iskucam, a jos dok se iscita prodje godina :D inace fun fact koji se mojim djacima uvek jako svidi ti znas sta je ziva soda, iliti soda za sapun, a znas i sta je sona kiselina, i jedno i drugo su jedne od najopasnijih materija, medjutim kada ih pomesas u pravom odnosu dobijes nista drugo nego najobicniju kuhinjsku so :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nešto sam novo naučio.. Hvala ti,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nema na cemu, bilo mije zadovoljstvo raspisati se na ovu temu

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4 years ago

Ovo za lakove za nokte i formaldehid, godinama baratao s njim. A i generacije učenika, studenata. Nema alternative za konzerviranje preparata na anatamiji, patologiji.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Opasan i kancerogen formaldehid štiti od bakterija i ima ulogu antiseptika u šamponima, regeneratorima, kremama, kremama za brijanje, gelu za kosu i mlijeku za čišćenje kože. Pojavljuje se i pod drugim imenima kao što je imidazolidinil urea, formalin i formalit. Taj spoj iritira dišne puteve, može pogodovati nastanku astme, a odgovoran je i za alergijske reakcije na koži, vrtoglavicu, glavobolju i probleme s očima.

$ 0.00
4 years ago