Colds and viruses .. How to avoid them!

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3 years ago

We most often get colds and viruses in the autumn and winter months, from September to April.

As soon as the weather changes a bit more, various colds and viruses start, especially in individuals who already have weaker immunity. But no matter how careful we are (or not) during the year with diet and exercise or any physical activity, it is sometimes difficult to resist these annoying signs of autumn.

Although we are all very well aware that fruits and vegetables must be our basic ingredient in the diet throughout the year, it is worth emphasizing this once again. Apart from the fact that these foods are easily available and affordable, especially if we focus on seasonal foods, they are easy to process and consume. Vitamin C is a net that is important for immunity and we can easily take it into the body. Of course, the most practical way is through dietary supplements, but let's not neglect the various foods that are rich in this essential vitamin.

Broccoli and cauliflower are an ideal side dish, spinach and tomatoes in a salad, and mandarins and lemons as a snack or addition to teas. If you add ginger and a spoonful of homemade honey to your tea, you are well on your way to defending yourself from annoying viruses.

As they announce colder weather, rain and lower temperatures, take advantage of the last rays of the sun that will not last long. Namely, exposure to sunlight has a very positive effect on immunity and the general condition of the body.

By no means forget physical activity because research has proven that people who exercise regularly are much less likely to get sick from individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle. So if you want to avoid days of sickness and sweating in bed every day at least 30-45 minutes of walking is a great benefit to your body.

Also don’t be fooled by this changeable weather - we’ll increasingly notice that during the day the temperature varies considerably, even up to ten degrees, so layered clothing is primary - it’s much easier to take off a light jacket when warm than to treat the effects of a virus or cold for a week or two.

If you are not able to spend enough time in the fresh air every day, regularly ventilate the rooms, especially if you spend more time in the same household.

Ultimately, there is no universal rule. This time is a lottery and unfortunately we can be, each of us, "lucky" winners. But there are some little things we can do to protect ourselves and everyone around us.

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Avatar for ceky321
3 years ago


Izbegavanje zagađenih i zadimljenih prostora, boravka u gužvama na malom prostoru, prilično je pouzdan način da ostanete zdravi. Ali, ako vas uprkos svemu prehlada sustinge, postoje načini za njeno prevladavanje.

  • Kod prehlade je, pre svega, pogrešno preterano utopljavanje. Ako vas trese povišena temperatura, ne bi trebalo da nosite suviše odeće, pokrivate se ćebetom i pijete vreo čaj, jer će vam temperatura još više narasti. Ali zato, po mogućstvu treba otvoriti prozor nekoliko minuta, obući nešto pamučno i popiti hladnu limunadu.

  • Ako tek malo kašljete i kijate, ne znači da treba odmah da se "prikujete" za krevet. Potpuno mirovanje omogućava da se u bronhijama i plućima lakše nagomilava sluz, što pre može dovesti do bronhitisa i upale pluća. Da se to ne bi dogodilo, dovoljna je šetnja po kući.

  • Poželjno je izbegavati tešku i masnu hranu, jer ona tokom varenja oduzima snagu organizmu. S obzirom na to da virus gripa ne voli gaziranu sredinu, lekari preporučuju uzimanje mineralne vode sa limunom, koja je istovremeno savršeni čistač lekova iz jetre.

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3 years ago

ove gore vezbe su dobre za jurtarnje razgibavanje pa onda tusiranje a takodje za uvece pred spavanje

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3 years ago

Jako koristan clanak! Ovo treba svako procitati. I ne samo to vec i primeniti. Moram reci da sve iz clanka vec primenjujem. A setam bar 3x dnevno posle svakog veceg obroka. Uvece je to pod obavezom, prepesacim dnevno preko 10.000 koraka (znam jer koristim aplikaciju s namerom). Hvala puno!

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3 years ago

Ulazimo u sezonu virusa i prehlada i zdrav nacin zivota koji preporucujete je jedina preventiva. Ove godine su ljudi dodatno uplaseni zbog aktuelnog COVID - 19 virusa, tako da sad u skolu ne smemo da primimo ucenika sa bilo kojom respiratornom infekcijom.

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3 years ago

So effective article your remidie sure i will try i have cold and also fever

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3 years ago

pravilna i raznovrsna ishrana, redovna fizicka aktivnost i odrzavanje licne higijene, to je ono sta mi mozemo preduzeti a ostalo je visa sila

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3 years ago