Doctor warns: these 8 sub-health symptoms appear, pay attention! Prone to major problems

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4 years ago

Sub-health is a term for physical health assessment proposed in recent years. It refers to a series of symptoms that do not meet the health standards, such as low vitality and functional degradation, and is in a state between health and disease. With the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more people are in a "sub-healthy" state. If they are allowed to develop for a long time, it is likely to cause various diseases. The doctor warns that if you have these 8 sub-health symptoms, pay special attention, maybe your body is sick!

General weakness

Somatization of sub-health is the most common symptom in sub-health. Patients often feel lack of energy, weak limbs, lack of sleep or still feel tired after resting . If it is allowed to develop for a long time, it may cause both physical and psychological diseases and affect normal life and work.

Headache and dizziness

The brain is one of the most important body organs of the human body. All human activities must be instructed by the brain. Similarly, the brain is also the most dense organ of the human body. In the state of tension and anxiety, people often have headaches and dizziness , which is also a kind of sub-health symptoms. When this kind of symptom appears, it should be checked in time to prevent the occurrence of disease.

Poor digestion

The digestive system is responsible for the important mission of the human body's metabolism. The nutrients needed by the human body must pass through the complex and demanding processes of the digestive system before entering the human body. If the body is in a "sub-healthy" state, it is likely that it will suffer from indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and poor appetite . The so-called "people eat food as the sky." Nutrients, which are discharged from the body, will cause great harm to the human body.


Many people have no breath at first. When there is sudden excessive pressure, there is a breath. There is breath, mostly because of poor digestion of the stomach and intestines, and the accumulation of food in the stomach cannot be digested in time.

Inattention / memory loss

In a sub-health state, the brain cannot get enough nutrients and blood supply. Brain cells are overloaded for a long time in a state of high fatigue, which will lead to inattention and memory loss . In severe cases, it will affect life and work. Causes varying degrees of impact and should be addressed.

Often cold

In general, the body's immune system can effectively prevent bacteria and viruses on the human body, and only in rare cases will be cold, if often repeated colds or, most likely the immune system, "strike", when in immunity A sub-healthy state with low strength for a long time will cause frequent colds and may even cause serious illness!

Frequent urination

Many male friends will experience frequent urinary urgency symptoms when they get older . This is most likely caused by the decline of your urinary system or the occurrence of diseases , and it is more likely to cause serious prostate cancer, kidney failure and other diseases. Need extra attention.


When the body is long-term in a healthy condition, fatigue, lack of rest, the body will become more intense irritability , over time may also cause depression, anxiety occurs, may be suffering from severe depression and other psychological disorders. Neither negatively affects interpersonal relationships nor your own health. You should pay attention to arrange reasonable rest and regulate your emotions.

Come and see if there are 8 common sub-health manifestations such as general weakness, headache, dizziness, and poor digestion on your body! If it does occur, remember that you must not be careless. But the most important thing is to develop good living habits so that you can keep your body healthy.

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4 years ago


we don't ignore early symptoms. we should go near the doctor.early diagnosis disease reduce harmful effect....

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4 years ago

I thik you have many knowledge about medical information. Keep sharing your information. It is very useful to us. Thank you dear.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Every article of you is very helpful one..keep writing more in future

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