A Little Help Will Do for Bagyong Odette - We will rise again

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Avatar for buraryang1892
2 years ago

December 27-28, 2021

Source for lead image

Happy, Merry Christmas everyone here in readcash! I hope everyone is still having a Merry Christmas despite of the challenges that we encountered nowadays due to this typhoon Odette. I know most of us here in the Philippines specifically in Visayas are really struggling financially, physically, emotionally and mentally. Despite of all, I am still blessed for the second life that was given to me by our Almighty God and making sure that my family, relatives and friends are all okay after the typhoon.
Anyhow, we are still struggling on our daily essentials such as food, electricity and water most especially WATER. It's really hot here because there were no more trees to protect us, to shield us from heat of the sun so we really badly in need of WATER to drink. Also, in our place we really in need of GENERATORS for the source of light. Our electricity company (BOHECO II) mentioned that our electricity maybe back around MAY 2022 (estimated timeframe to fix everything). Aside from no lights at all, some of my neighbors have no houses . It really breaks my heart seeing my neighbors have no shelters at all most especially this holiday seasons. I already imagined how supposedly happy we are to our each home celebrating Noche Buena with our family and relatives but sad to say, we are not able to make it due to this unforeseen circumstances we encountered.

Photo in our place. This was supposed to be one of a great view on our place but now, look what happened.

Proud to say, we are all SURVIVORS. We surpassed this Odette has brought to us. It was indeed a nightmare experienced for all of us but we still conquered it. What we just really need to do now is to look forward for a brighter days. Also, I would like to highlight what we did after the typhoon Odette which is we really did a BAYANIHAN. We helped each other premises such as we did not wait for our government to clean our area instead what we did is that we are the one who cleaned it, also since some of our neighbors don't have homes yet, we let them stay to our houses, we share foods and drinks and lend some clothes for those who don't have.

Love seeing this photo. Indeed, there is still HOPE but we badly need WATER.

What I just really aiming now is to buy a generator for our house in order for my dear old parents to have some electricity while the government is still on the process of fixing the electricity. I am saving some money now and all the earnings that I will get here and also in noise, I will save it in order for me to buy the said generator. Once I will have generator on our home, I will let our neighbors charge their phones, flashlights, etc. all for FREE. That's one way for me and our family to help them in this type of crisis. Also, if I have some extra as well, I will buy some water and food and share it with my neighbors. 

Sponsors of buraryang1892

To my dear sponsors:

Thank you for the support. I appreciate you all. Continue to be a blessing to all of us and more blessings to you all as well. Check their pages everyone! Cheers!

For those who would love to help me with this, I would appreciate you all in advance. This is gonna be a great blessings for the rest of us here. Honestly, I can only be active once I'm in the office because once I'm out and I'm at home, still there's no electricity and no signal at all. This is really honestly a hard one for me and for the rest of us here but I believe we can still survive this, we can still surpass this. 

Lastly, I would love to highlight also our heroes for this crisis which are Electric Linemen. They are the one who currently working 24/7 to fix our electricity's all over Visayas. Good job and salute to all of you! This is really a difficult job which sadly to say one of them died while working and helping all of us fix. Rest in paradise sir and thank you so much for the big help. 

Linemen while fixing our electricity. Salute to all of you.

We will definitely rise again. We definitely stand up. We Filipinos most especially we Bisaya will stand up again. We will aim for a prosperous and full of blessings for year 2022. 

#BangonCebu #BangonBohol #BangonSiargao #BangonSouthernLeyte #BangonNegros #BangonVisayasMindanao

We will.

Thank you so much for dropping by loves. I hope you all have a great celebration of Christmas and for upcoming New Year too. Let's still aim the good vibes! Until next time.


- Buraryang

$ 10.59
$ 7.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @Ruffa
$ 1.00 from @FarmGirl
+ 4
Sponsors of buraryang1892
Avatar for buraryang1892
2 years ago


Oh sis, I do hope you get through this triumphant!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis. I appreciate your message with me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Big hugs for you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salute to you all for your bayanihan and didn't wait or expect anyone to take action first. May you be able to fulfill your great plan sis. I remember our experience many years back when we lost our electricity for almost two months due to typhoon too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis and nasa dugo na siguro talaga natin ang bayanihan talaga. Sad part talaga sabi ng NGCP na it will took a year pa na maging okay ang kuryente sa amin. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Another pagsubok lang yan at dahil sa paeaan ng mga pinoy malalampasan nating lahat yan. Basta tulong tulong nga sana. Fighting!! Good Luck sa pag iipon sana ay makaipon ka agad 🤗🤗💪

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat sis. Salamat sa malaking tulong mo. Ang hirap magsimula ngayon pero kakayanin ko to, kakayanin namin to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really have had a tough year. I have been hoping that you were okay. I have friends who have no idea when they will get their electricity back, some have got theirs back na, some next month some in February, I hope that yours comes back before then!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you so much dear. I know I can do this. Thank you for the help and encouragement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can do it and I am thinking of you 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am very sorry to hear that you are struggling here. I really hope everything goes well soon. Life never goes on without water.electricity, food.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much dear. Life must go on despite of all these things happened to us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago