My poetic expressions - The fresh charms for morning walkers around my flat surroundings

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2 years ago

Photo credits Bulletgelly
Temple under this giant beautiful tree that’s shading the sun lighted landscape so elegantly

This poem is inspired by the beautiful campus surroundings of my flat, whose refreshing essence I experience in daily my morning recreation times where I walk or sometimes exercise doing stretches.

There's some green about in the surroundings with trees, plants about.

Photo credits Bulletgelly
A closer view of the giant tree that’s crowned with numerous delightful and intricate tree elements

Silly entertainment accompanies my times here with birds, squirrels, cats and sometimes monkeys here.

Photo credits Bulletgelly

Monkey wins over free bananas from the vegetable vendor whose vegetables it tried stealing. My favorite walking area is visible at the back, front of the compound wall.

Morning pleasantries include hearty greetings from other walkers.

My poem is dedicated to all of these walkers, who I hope also like me rejoice their mornings immersed in experiencing the wondrous elements of nature.

Photo credits Bulletgelly
My flat Calico cat Meow under the shade of the giant tree, on the floor of fallen leaves, sitting just on the edge of the tree’s shade. She is looking out towards the sun shine lighted area unfolding front of her.


Morning cheers - Poem for Nature rejoicing Morning walkers

Evergreen charmed morning walks with elegant rhythms of Nature to appreciate.
Sparks of pleasantness only glowing with goodwill greeting fellow known souls in the morning hours.

Bright start to the day, bright start to the day, are these ringing of cheer bells everyday.

Nothing like the bloom of all green and flower colourful, nurtured by thoughtful plant and garden enthusiasts.

And then behold for Nature's magic unfolds with nature's melodies uniting into a symphony that softly echoes and flows around; igniting a freshness around for everyone to soak in.

I hope you all understood my morning joys all powered by Nature’s elements to make my day begin in a very blessed way.

Thank you for reading, have a great day!!


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2 years ago
